Bidens speaking problem stems from a childhood stutter and has nothing to do with age.

50 something

Not meaningless. Just your perspective fades on them. That guy that broke your heart you thought you'd never get over kind if fades away to background noise after 15 years of marriage with a man who actually loves you. That job you lost that you now realize was toxic as hell and underpaying you. The chances you miss fade compared to the chances you got. That kind of thing. If you ate 3 great hamburgers, you'd remember them all fondly, if you eat 30 great hamburgers, it's a little harder to remember them all.

The same way wheat did. The same way cabbages became Brussel sprouts and cauliflower and broccoli and Kohlrabi and collards. Selective breeding. It takes way less time than you think to change how a living thing looks depending what you are slectively breeding for. Only 59 years to turn silver foxes into something pretty dog like.

It's only broken because people don't want to do the work. They want to post a comment on Reddit and have it change things. Have you gone to a local council meeting? Run for local office? Helped someone you like the policies of run for office? Ever been to a protest? Organized a protest? That "someone" you are waiting for to automagically fix the problem is you. You are someone. Don't like how things are you can change them, but you and thousands of yous like you have to actually do something but have bystander syndrome and wait for someone else to fix the problem or tell them what to do. Well as long as that thing they are told to do is comment and like a post and not actually go and do something.

No we can't agree that at all. Considering what Biden has been able to get done in the last 4 years with the crazies he's got in the House and Senate at the moment, I think he's a solid choice. Is he an exciting make my pants tingle choice. Lord no. Do I wish he was younger? Sure. Do I think his age makes him bad? no. But the guy tried to do all the things he said he'd so and I liked the things he said he'd do. I am fed up of this both side are the same BS. They are no where near the same. That bullshit is why we are in this mess now to start with.

As someone that moved to the US. Melted cheese product. Melted cheese product on noodles, on burgers, on sandwiches. Just melted glow in the dark orange on everything is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of American food. Not saying I don't like it, just saying it's what I think of first.

But that's not what you said. You said it in the most click bait way instead. This is a place where people come for advice on a piece of medical equipment for a medical condition. People take things seriously here. If you say coughing up blood, people are going to give you different advice to nose bleed.

Now Google the sperm graveyard. They don't stay in the fallopian tubes, despite what all those sketches show the fallopian tube and ovaries are not connected how you think. The strong sperm that don't hit an egg and live long enough can swim out the end of the tube and die in the abnonimal cavity where the body breaks them down.

You do understand that's what being a politician is. Doing what the majority of your voters want. It's not bullying it's what an actual elected leader is supposed to do.

“It’s a simple proposition: Health care is a right not dependent on race, gender, income or Zip code. As president, I’m going to do everything in my power to expand access to quality, affordable health care for women, especially women of color,” Biden says “We will protect women’s constitutional right to choose. I’m proud to stand with you in this fight.”

That was June 2020. You missed that one.

I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental, Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned.— White House statement, May 3, 2022

Missed that one as well.

And then just for the most update quote on the issue I could find.

I believe Roe v. Wade was right.— White House remarks Biden, January 22, 2024

Trump was terrible at the debate, all the billionaire owned media outlets aren't talking about that. I wonder why?

He is literally the only other one people know besides Joe, Kamala and AOC.

Squash and zucchini. Pumpkins are super easy to store. What sort of beans both dry and green right? Berries of some sort. Berries are so easy to preserve. What perennial fruit and veg are you planning, is that another garden?

Lead is still everywhere. Unless you've had a worming tablet recently so are hook worms. You've got bigger problems. Too much sitting, lack of socializing and sleep and lets not forget stress are already taking their toll. Sitting around on Reddit to all hours of the morning is damaging your brain.

Because 33 million people watched it and not everyone of them agrees with you. It's almost like different people like different things.

Who owns the NYT. Who owns the companies publishing the articles. Billionaires don't benefit under a liberal government.

Just putting it out there, you don't have to wait for "the Dems" or "Someone" to do something. You could be doing it right now. Huge 4th of July protests blocking city streets. You sit at home and whine online, why would "they" do anything you don't even care enough about the matter to leave the house.

Couldn't date someone that cared about their phone as anything other than a tool. I don't ever even want to know it's make or model. I could care less. I shouldn't see the damn thing if we're on a date.

Men are innocent until proven guilty, women are guilty until proven innocent.

Right wing Christians being oh so happy about things that would have made Christ very sad.