Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

I highly doubt that boomer women were as subservient as you say

My point is that they were not subservient, but that they had to act subservient because that is what was socially expected.

Your argument about men being harmless "bumbling idiots" was never an actual reality, but a comedy trope. People laughed at it because it wasn't reality. People use comedy as an escape - it's not actually a reflection of real life.

All that's different these days is that we've gone from a world where men expect to get everything that they want and women are secretly upset about it to one where women expect to get everything they want and men are silent in real life but vocal anonymously on the internet.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

Post removed due to OP being temporarily banned

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

I don't think that either generation has a more balanced view because they are both coming from perspectives that relationships shouldn't be egalitarian with compromises. In the boomer generation, men wanted women to be subservient, while women inwardly seethed and pretended to be. In the zoomer generation, women want everything perfect for them and are unwilling to compromise, while men go online and anonymously profess hatred, or at least annoyance (for less radicalized men), of the average woman and her demands.

Many people from both generations never realized that compromise and not always getting what one wants is essential for optimal relationship stability. Couples who love the other person just as much as they love themselves do realize this, though.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

Sure, people enjoy other people who are fun and help them avoid thinking about the idea that life sucks. That goes for both genders. Men and women usually have different roles in relationships, though. So the man's role is to usually be fun and adventurous, while the woman's is to be "bubbly, kind and cheerful".

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

People learn and parrot a lot of behaviors from their parents. If their parents engage in witty banter, then children will probably engage in it when they get into their dating years, as well, not to mention that they likely have many of the sociability genes for it if they are the biological children of their parents.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

I definitely enforce it. Please report these and any other comments that break sub rules.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

Post removed due to OP abandonment.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

No. We don't repeat personal attacks in the subreddit. If you want to discuss the warning then you need to contact Mod Mail.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

Women only really care if that other woman dressing and acting provocatively seems to be interested in the men whom she is interested. Otherwise, women don't care and actually say that they support other women's personal choices about how to dress and act.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

No personal attacks

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

Masturbating versus actual sex is not comparable to life in a nice home versus barely surviving in subsistence shelter. One is in no danger of dying or becoming physically sick by not having sex with another person.

In fact, having sex with another person is more dangerous due to the existence of STDs.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

GIFs can be posted as part of an argument of some kind, but not in the contentless way that you posted yours.

Contentless rhetoric can be posted under the AutoModerator. But your comment was not.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

OP, please make a small edit in order to bring up the AutoModerator.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

It's not a physical need as much as it is a physical enhancement of a need. Men and women are capable of masturbating and therefore don't actually need a sexual partner for arousal and orgasm.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

Men have zero incentive to discourage other men not to lie about themselves when it comes to hookups.

Higher value men have an incentive to lie because it is more likely to get them sex with women.

Lower value men would rather have higher value men lie because then lower value women are less likely to have hookups with higher value men in the first place and have to settle for men like them in relationships instead.

Men not lying when it comes to hookups only benefits women.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

Dating men with potential is better for women than dating men without potential.

Part of who a man is is his social skills and his ambition, as well. These are a part of a man's personality as much as anything else is.

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

Removed. No internal questions (men asking men or women asking women).

Blue-ish Gen X Slacker - Man

Removed. No advice posts.