That dank Halfling weed has clearly dulled your fucking mind.

Are the sparrows still flying ?

I also picked up Dark Half from Goodwill a few weeks ago. Just finished it before starting You like it darker. Really enjoyed it. Apparently he wrote it in response to being outed as Bachman.

I’m halfway through (Just finished Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream), and it’s fantastic so far.

All of us back then. Kids and adults

Here’s what you do. Keep your cats inside and hands off the fledglings

They smoked a lot hash back then according to Geddy, so details like that might have slipped by them.

Polls are crap. Many still use landlines. They get old people in the countryside

They’re criminals! They’re rapists! Oh. Wait…

Well the infographic is retarded, it’s totally unclear

Hey Fake Peterman, I want off this bus.

I’m more surprised there are any Christians who believe in evolution