Im going off the advertisement image for comparison to what OP received.

I'd do maybe double what we see here ... more than that would be too much for me personally.


My brother and I still have a running joke about 'voluptuous' and Kara Swole in the Ravenor series

I had a ex-gf that I introduced to WH40k, and we started with Eisenhorn and Ravenor

She even commented that it sounded like Dan Abnett needs to get laid or something, or start writing for Playboy or another Gentleman's magazine...

At one point she was laughing about the Carnivora acrobatic plot line, when Dan Abnett spent an entire page explaining/detailing Kara's transparent skin tight suit thing lol

Pre-ordered a Stargate SG-1 Death Glider for $55 and added a $90 dollar resin model of the Rocinante (The Expanse) from Master Replicas.

I buy way too many of these figurines/models/"collectables"

But i'm 39, no family/partner, and have a mid-$100k salary -- and i'm 5 years ahead on my 15 year mortgage

Not having to think about paying for essentials.

I do a cursory check of my recurring bills to make sure no crazy changes are there. I do shop for sales and deals at grocery stores.

But I never think about "can I afford Milk/Electric/fuel this week?"

other than the lack of pepperoni, I dont see anything visually wrong with that pizza

I'm still rocking a 516 area code on my cell

My only complaint would be the lack of pepperoni, they got everything else visually correct in my opinion

  • Former NYer, born and raised on Long Island which typically has NYC style pizza due to proximity

I bought 3 copies

You will see many of the fans buying this game for friends.

Its amazing what you and the team did here, it brought me back into gaming as a 39 year who was playing the same old nostalgic stuff with friends on discord because we hate battle royal games and the toxicity of PvP.

This is something new, fun, and (almost) rage free. It scratches something for my friends and I; older gaming folks who cant keep up with the nightly grind in games like SCUM, or DayZ

been using PIA for 5 years -- didnt even know they were sold

The only issue I had was with shadowsocks last week, which seems to be resolved

2015 WRX Base

Hey, wait a minute...

...I'm the peasant arent I?

You and I are the same, my misery needs company


and old, because this was 6+ years ago IIRC


In two different drops, not sure if this was a bug, we found a 100 Super Credit slips in a different buddy doors

We walked out with 230 Super Credits in less than 2 hours

ITT: People that didnt read the article, typical Reddit:

Myung Sook Yang said she initially called the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health about her son on the morning of the shooting. Members of the county’s Psychiatric Mobile Response Team responded but ultimately turned to the police for assistance.

But the parents called a mental health agency, and that group called the cops.

I gather you didnt read the article:

Myung Sook Yang said she initially called the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health about her son on the morning of the shooting. Members of the county’s Psychiatric Mobile Response Team responded but ultimately turned to the police for assistance.

but their killology training requires use of deadly force immediately, and ask questions never.


Balancing the game likes it a PvP rather than a PvE is hurting my desire to play. I want to blow up Robo Factories. I want to set bugs on fire. I want to watch a 500kg or Hellbomb go BOOM.

Thats really fun

I want to be a DPS monster, we arent invincible, so it evens out. Poor situational awareness will get you killed.

I wouldnt mind some of the broken enemies if AH didnt nerf every effective weapon we have against them.

Yea, I get the QC was over performing -- but 10 second cooldown without reducing charge up time basically killed it as a specialist weapon. I just EATs now on 8+

Seeing it, context dependent.

Me being nude in front of others?

I would not want to subject other people to crimes against humanity.

my friend met his wife playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault multiplayer

He told me she only gets mad at him if he says he's gonna do something in "x" time, but forgets.

He says he cant blame her for getting miffed lol

They still play games together though, right now its mostly Helldivers 2.

They have a "His and Hers" gaming rigs setup in a spare bedroom. And yes they are DINKs, and often go on super fun vacations.


He literally just did what that guy did in Starship Troopers. Demoted himself so he could be in the action.

Sgt Zim, now Pvt Zim


holy shit, a reasonable, well thought, honest assessment of the game and its experiences.

Yes OP, levels 1-40 are super fun and engaging

Many of my friends stopped playing after unlocking all the Modules and Stratagems.

That doesnt have to be your end game /u/JustSansder, as you can change up what you are doing and how to approach things.

Also, if you have a significant other or partner, show them this when you start playing the game

well, its better than the stuff my mom watches from the 1960s:

  • Drop a scarf, sing a song
  • Cooking Dinner, dance number
  • Have a cough, sing a song
  • Husband yelled at me, dance number
  • Husband and Wife about to kiss, cut to two roses coming together

edit: This is what I grew up watching in the USA lol