Ironically, I’m just considered middle class. Funny how youthful perceptions meet reality when the cost of living and maintenance are revealed. But I do love living in paradise.

When I was a young man growing up in central Florida, only the wealthy could afford to live on the beach and have an in-ground pool. It was my dream goal to live near the beach with a pool. I achieved that and actually have two homes about 10 miles from the Atlantic coast and one, my residence, does have a pool.

Every Year
Every Year

Parents sabotaged their children’s future by voting for the fat con man who told them the IRS was auditing him. NONE of them can get a loan while being audited but they still loaned AMERICA to that con man because they hated Hillary.

The lower courts are still working as designed, both Trump and Hunter committed crimes and juries found them guilty!

My good friends kids. Their mom helped through the toughest of times when my own family were too busy with their children or too self-righteous to be empathetic. Since my friend was from a poor family her three sons are going to inherit a couple of houses and a few cars.

I do think being incarcerated for your cause shows more backbone than running

For the answer Google Maria Butina and see how she funneled Russia money to them through the NRA

The Ivy League colleges would go bankrupt because they are they largest owners of the prison for pay system

It isn’t new, McCarthy used religious fanaticism to push white supremacy and his lawyer Roy Cohn was also a lawyer for Rupert Murdoch and even made an impression on Donald Trump as young man. He was also Nixon’s tax advisor. So yeah once again the religious fanatics have sold Christ in an effort to put themselves above others because of their self-righteousness and condemnation of their neighbors. Using abortion, gay issues and the transgender society, false prophets in high seats have led their cause.

It was an issue until Trump in 2016 and he doesn’t have a conversational skills. He is simply a bully

Just the opposite in a democracy we own the government. Our taxes keep them running and feed them and we are entitled to every document signed while they are in office and privy to understanding why they made the decisions they made

The more diverse a persons gene pool the more intelligent they tend to be


Race is a whole other issue too. What religion teaches people about separation of the races creates generations of bologna sandwich people, folks so inbred they are a piece of meat away from being a sandwich and with the same IQ. Likewise sexuality is also a religious problem in that t creates a false sense of self-righteousness that makes heterosexual people think they are entitled to judge others who live differently and believe differently than themselves. Giving a stewed up sense of reality that has them voting against their own children’s futures to do stupid shit like take a medical procedure like abortion away from others even at the expense of their own offspring’s well being