It’s a five star man, that’s for sure.

He showed his colors right from the beginning ranking the sons right in front of them. He only got progressively worse from there. What a horror of a human being.

It was almost a foolproof plan, marinated cum sock.

I personally appreciate OPs apology. Shame on him for not naming every movie that fits the topic he’s asking about.

Agreed. It wasn't bad. It was more enjoyable than most of the other "live action" Disney remakes I've seen. And yes, I've seen a good amount of them, judge me all you want internet, but judging by their BO receipts so have a lot of other people. Some of them are garbage, but I thought Beauty and the Beast was actually quite good.

Absolutely. Was Troy Duffy a douche? Sure. Were there some questionably parts of that movie, some of which likely haven't aged well? You bet. Is it still awesome af to this very day? You better believe it.

This was rough for me at the Gorge last year when I did precisely this, and then he faked into warehouse. I had some regret…

Amen. It made me sad to see this is where his attention would go first. I am super excited for the Dark Tower project, and this is making me doubt it's actually happening.

He’s been in some good movies, but from all accounts I’ve read he’s an absolute trash person. I do t feel like supporting him for that reason.

I mean not really. Dude was still "ranking" ways to die in episode like 7 or 8.

It’s your dick, no ones stoping you from eating the dick donuts

If we wanna get technical, they were likely Sardukar dressed as Harkonnen soldiers.

Very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s picture of Michael.

His art is a big part of what made the comics special. Love his work. Thanks for sharing.

THE popes exorcist? Damn you’d think he’d have a few, impressive.