Kinda looks like she helped herself! Can you move the pot so it’s in front of the window?

It’s an interesting choice, because I would imagine not many people would be able to read or translate it.

The Hebrew writing is a verse from psalms, roughly translates to “How good and how pleasant it is that brothers dwell in unity”

I wonder if that is some type of social commentary by the artist.

It would be a bad idea. He was just trying to have sex with you and ghosting is a clear indicator of him no longer being interested now that he got what he wanted. What do you have to lose? Your dignity. You already know the answer. Do not attempt any more communication with someone who clearly doesn’t respect you or want to communicate with you.

She gets all the channels 😂 most alert dog I’ve ever come across

Once in a while they come around and she takes it as a personal offense

That’s sooo disgusting oh my god! I don’t know what I would do maybe ring a three bell and let a mate handle it

I don’t know what causes it. If it helps, I used to be worried about mine having those tips, but I’ve had it for years and it’s grown a lot and fronds have gotten longer. Some of them have those tips some don’t.

Lots of great advice on here. I just want to say that I was in a similar situation, older single women with no family, worked and lived on the farm for years with the promise of taking it over. I really loved her and the farm and like any horse lover, was a dream come true. I poured my heart and sweat into it, and it turned out to be a false promise. So just be careful, it may not happen until it does. Be cautious and try not to over exert yourself based off of something she’s expressed.

From what it seems they change their prices arbitrarily. I’ve seen countless different numbers for battery cost and warranty cost. If you haven’t already made the purchase I would look into other options first.

If TJs is not providing you with adequate medical care or compensation, speak to a workers comp lawyer. They can help you a lot.

Glad everyone is safe and they closed. Somebody shot through the window at my store while people were shopping and they didn’t close the store.

I spent several years collecting my favorites in a range of colors. A few different purples, pinks, blues, reds, and more.

Captains should want a happy, well dressed, comfortable crew imo.

Thank you I’ll definitely check out eBay

T shirt collection

I have a variety of old t shirts in good condition. Has anyone had experience selling old shirts? Is there really a market for this?