Bone is excellent, one of the best comic sagas put there.

Bats are invisible (so the same as with Night witch)

I also have s10e, and really like it. I would like to use it for 3 more years. However, they're apparently canceling the security updates next summer (or at least they'll be really infrequent). So I wonder if it will be completely safe to use bank etc. apps after that. Have you considered this? I would love to find a solution.

"Well if you're not scoring I might as well."


Yes, oh yes. My choice as well. Deus Ex was something else, and it still has a special place in my heart. No game has since given the same feeling of worldbuilding and freedom to solve the problem in front of you. The immersion was superb.


Yes. The dlc is more late game content (especially due to difficulty). I didn't play it at all before first finishing the game once. It is still by far the best dlc I've ever seen, worth every penny.


Locke & Key

East of West

Letter 44

All are finished, and I enjoyed them all very much. Not sure if they are long enough. Right now I'm following Monstress and it's amazing, but still ongoing.

0.05% for Offspring. My five most listened songs were from them as well.

The gift wasn't the polo. It's this crazy story you can keep on telling for years to come. We can at least pretend that's what he was going for.

I think these are good points. Plus, I think it's important that you can instantly recognize any card played, in order to be able to react immediately if needed. If each card had multiple skins, it might mean that this would be disturbed, at least if not implemented very carefully.

No worries, it was fun. Happy hunting!

Yep, you had all the info already there, I just forgot it between reading and answering... ringing now

On my way. Edit: poorly read. At the lamp?

Just realized I'm on NG and not that far on DLC. Sorry, otherwise would've helped. Those guys suck.

Coming. Where are you ringing?

Apparently it kicked me out. I'll try boss, and try to catch up

No worries. I guess I can't follow you further since I don't have the first boss beaten for myself?