Okay that took me a second to realize. That shit is amazing! The people who named it that were on to something. Maybe getting drunk but that is besides the point.

Trazyn is a massive asshole and I loved him in this book. He is my favorite singular character in the setting because of this book and the fact that he steals SO MUCH SHIT and is a dick about it. He somehow has an ossified husk of an Enslaver and a Krork. This  is why I first read the book. None of those images explain ANYTHING and yet they are 100% accurate.

Enough to know it happened but also enough to be able to fuck with the readers head. Also that book was one of the best books I have ever read. They made an actual court room scene fun, endless fucking with each other unbeknownst to the judges.

The Heresy itself I get why they wanted to explore it. In part it was because of the Primarchs and that they both wanted them for $$$ sake and for more than what they were originally. Also because it seems like they wanted to expand some current lore stuff/$$$. Got to get those new Primarch figures!

I do want some of the Dark Age and Unification Wars lore explored, only some. Like adding just enough spice to a meal to really enhance the flavor but not so much that it becomes bland.

There should be just enough exploration to enhance its mystery without spoiling it. Enough to know the factions and ruins of what was there without revealing the whole picture. It is better than leaving it so completely empty that it is just a "yeah this happened" and not even see the scars of it. Like with the War in Heaven we know the factions, we know the ruins, and we SURE AS HELL know the scars, looking at you flayed ones. However we don't know the events that transpired in detail, we don't know who or what the Old Ones are just that they existed, we don't know what the Necrontyr looked like, and we don't know how the biotransference went down. There is enough information that we know about the things that happened without knowing exactly in detail how it happened.

They say eyes are the windows to the soul. Theirs look like a candy store. Super sweet but if you eat too much you might go a little crazy for a bit.

One fun thing I realized recently about the main 4 is that they are the 4 states of matter. Wind=gas Fire=plasma Water=liquid Earth=solid. The interesting part of that is it can technically be separated from life itself. They are not alive nor do they necessarily grant life. So in order for nature to exist life must exist as a separate element. So you can split life into different types of elements as well as keep the old ones in any single system.

This isn't even close to being true. Not even close not even close in anyway. The Blood Elves never turned to fel to sustain themselves. The green eyes has been debunked by the devs themselves as well as by the fact that Felblood Elves exist and THEY fed on fel. Blood Elves turned to Mana crystals like the red ones we saw in Neatherstorm and what was actually shown in the BC opening cinematic and the opening quests. Blood Elves turned to taking mana from mana rich creatures. The paladins took it from a Naaru.

Fel taints everything near it and no one is immune to the taint. Case in point a literal dev statement about the green eyes themself. How did the blood elven fel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be "horrified" if they knew the true extent of Kael's dealings with Illidan. "The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel'Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs' skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way."

The fel crystals in the city are or were to hold up the literally falling apart buildings as in literally falling down because they were supported by arcane magic. Floating buildings need something to keep them floating after all. Those crystals were NEVER used for a source of mana by the Blood Elves as a whole. The Felblood Elves on the other hand did.

Bulling that lead to a broken nose. Completely outcast and ostracized. I literally had to eat in the school psychologists office because everything sucked for me in middle school.

High School... hmm well my 8th grade math teacher convinced the people in charge of my IEP that because I didn't write down everything I did in my math class I must have cheated and should be held back... 2 grades. I was able to work it out in my head and think problems through quite easily but no I had to have cheated. I passed the standardized test with decent math scores which is generally monitored but no I had to have cheated in math class because I didn't wright out ever single step I did. I did convince them to bump me back up to normal algebra class but because of that dickish move I just slept through the class and only did the tests barely past that class because I didn't do any homework but passed the tests.

Mega Raichu is awesome and should be a thing just to take some of the limelight from Pikachu. I want it so much.

Fun bit of information about MN. There are no term limits for our governor. So we can keep him for a bit longer. Dude is awesome at his job.

What if they are "optimized"? 100% idiots but somehow hit like a truck. Seriously the best counter to my party is just something that targets how dumb we are. Int is a funderful dump stat.

We need to get our water somehow. Drinking sweat will be the new drinking water. Mark my words we will be love sweaty sweaty water in the days to come.

Hmm where is the bee launcher and when is he going to fall in to the lava? Like is this episode one or is it closer to the end of season 1. Where is Megatron and Waspinator anyway?

This just gives me Scorponok from beast wars vibes.


Push comes to shove use your shovel.

Awww look at that GPS falling for the kiss trick.


Wrong! We need a game where we play Orks raiding a maiden world.


I do love how some people say the Kreig have never used a shovel in combat. While forgetting that that shovel has been used in actual real world combat. This Kriegsmen knows how a trench battle works and ends a heretics life in the name of the Emperor.

Looking into her a bit she is hyper limited by the Tournament of Power for several major reasons. All weapons are outlawed, abilities only. No equipment that boosts power. Trained or innate abilities are allowed. The only reason the Evil Containment Wave bottle was even allowed to be used is it was the bottle had no dangerous properties. No armor is allowed either. She uses weapons and power boosting gear. Neither are allowed. Goku would beat her because of this. She may even just get booted for attempting to use weapons or power boosting gear.

This fight would end up as a no contest. Either by ban or fist fight. Almost all of her power would be lost at the start if she isn't banned.

I am not going to reveal the name for privacy's sake. My great grandfather actually did something similar but for a city in North Dakota. The Red River tends to flood quite often and he actually fought to have dike put in to a rather large height for the time. It lasted for quite some time until one of if not the largest flood they have had on record.

Ophidiophobia does not help thinking about that thing.

He doesn't even need to cast spells he just hurts people by existing. He attacks like a martial class while just existing withing range of people causes emotional damage.

Fun thing one of the players in my last campaign we had a sorcerer that kept roasting Strahd over and over and over and over and eventually our DM gave her vicious mockery and had her cast it for free that session.