Seconding this. He needs to set boundaries with them and protect you from their inappropriate behavior.

I didn’t say withhold touch. I said not allowing people to kiss babies. Kissing babies on face, head, and hands can cause serious illness, like herpes which can kill a newborn. If my child seeks out affection beyond the baby stage, like I said, that is their choice. There is a strong medical reason for now allowing people to kiss our BABIES.

You made a lot of assumptions in your response that don’t correlate to what my comment said. Kissing and hugging are not the same thing.

I try not to say what other parents should do, but my family never kissed kids on the lips and I feel very uncomfortable when other people kiss kids on the lips. It will be a very strict rule that no one kisses our babies anywhere in their body. Once they are old enough they can decide if they want to do cheek kisses for grandparents etc but not before then.

I had to stop reading too. Why are you paying for his toys when you bring home the same amount?

Yeahhhh. What I’m reading is that OP is trying to make choices that will help her in postpartum and help avoid a really rough experience. But MIL is shaming her to try to make sure OP doesn’t have help and is as miserable as she was. OP should talk to her husband about boundaries with MIL and try to get as much distance from her as possible.

My pups are friends with a few dogs on my street. If they are all supervised and off leash in someone’s yard they get along really well. If they are on leash they get really aggressive. On leash meetings are almost never a good idea.

If your pup sitting, definitely talk to the owners and see what their rules are for interaction. Before I lived with dogs for a while I never knew all the things you need to be aware of.

You could have a contract that states your cancellation fee. You can also request an amount to be paid in advance, maybe overnight fees paid in advance. For nannying, I did no cancellations within 7 days or they still have to pay. I made it a full week because of how often parents seemed to cancel on me.

My nmom made me go to Sunday school but never went to church herself. It was absolutely traumatizing to me. When I was an adult and told her I was not catholic she said “yes you are.” When I repeated that I was not she said “well you were baptized.” 🙄 k thanks for that. She was pissed to and probably tried to forget I ever said it.

Meh, if you both can afford for him to eat out everyday, he has no right bickering about you helping your sister out. NTA. You’re also an adult and can choose to help her if you want.

I’m sorry but this is hilarious. It’s hilarious because of how dumb it makes Jake look. Especially when he said “we could have been dating” when you were clearly not interested. What a door knob.


37 weeks! Been pregnant since November. I remember Thanksgiving because I felt horrible hahah.

Everyone said this and I definitely get a second tri break hahaha.

Yeah third trimester is a different kind of tired.

Yeahhhh. I’m almost 37 weeks and crawl into bed my 7-8 most nights.

This is very similar to my experience. You can get your iron levels checked, low iron makes you even more tired. But even with iron supplements I’ve been tired almost my entire pregnancy. I’ve gotten used to it, but also looking forward to having regular energy again someday haha.

Agreed. I would be annoyed if my husband asked to do this but I probably would have just said “You can go ahead without me.” Lying to him is compounding the issue. If he isn’t able to hear you express your feelings and needs, there are going to be bigger issues to solve once little one gets here.

Maybe take this as a nudge to do some work on communication and working as a team. Maybe with a therapist?

Why isn't your husband standing up for you? I'm so mad for you that he allows his mother to come to your home and treat you this way. He's being just as big of a problem as she is, if not more. You shouldn't have to put up with that.

Hey OP, it’s a big decision to make and you should do what you think is best for you. Don’t worry about what the father thinks, his input isn’t nearly as important as how you feel. Take some time and think about what will make you feel best.

If she is offended it is not your fault or your problem. You have every right to say no to guests immediately following giving birth, it’s a very reasonable boundary to set.

Don’t feel bad. Her emotions are hers to deal with. You have enough to deal with.