
That period killed me


It’s not bad when you can watch a few eps together. As released it’s like one movie buffering half way through

They shouldn’t make later loadouts just straight upgrades too though. It’s a weird mix of poor progression gatekeeping tactical options and also just better options in some cases. I’m all for X being something special but situational like the flamethrower, but ones where it’s the same but more nades and smokes etc. that’s poor design.

Suikoden 3 has one of the 3 main POVs be a knight captain

Remember that players will have different areas they like. Some like combat, some like role play and backstory, mysteries etc. some just like the excuse to be at the table with their friends and don’t want to be the spotlight.

Give him his year extension with option to extend. Don’t make the same mistake we did with Gundo

It helps that the Vetterli (and Springfield’s) hipfire is ridiculously good. It changed my whole opinion of those when I learned this.

Video made it sound like it’s for both

This ^ I appreciated seeing him so pissed after the great connection with Doku

There’s a lot more games in baseball. It would be miraculous if it was filling up


Does he have force healing? Is he going to necro Jackie? 🤫

I think they would just pivot to not offering an end of year party. Like most Ale Trails just offer a unique swag item for completion. Not sure what the burger equivalent is to a pint glass or custom beer flight though 😅

:mci:Manchester City

“He’s been Manchester City for two years now and there’s never been any gossip about him. His profile represents a huge value in the eyes of sponsors and clubs, as well as in terms of shirt sales and media exposure. All that, put together: ticket sales, TV rights, everything Erling will earn over the course of his career, I’m convinced it will exceed a billion.”

She’s not even saying his transfer fee will need to be a Billion. She’s saying he will bring in over $1 billion in value from all the sources and increases in brand sales and rep.