Didn't even have to disable him. He dropped his weapon and put his hands up. She could have arrested him.

You have her paying over 100% more with a 30/70 split. If mortgage is $2000/month, you are suggesting boyfriend pay $600 while OP pays $1400. That is not a proportional split.

5 min to clean the outside of the TARDIS, 2 hours for the inside.

If you've only had part time jobs, you should be in for a refund and some GST credits. That's why the CRA isnt bothering you. It's in your best interest to file, not theirs.

In canada, the 25ph has to cover payroll taxes, WSIB, and vacation and the company is no longer on the hook for termination pay or notice or any benefits or vacation time. It still costs a little more to use a temp agency, but not as much as people think.

If we are just talking about a constinant followed by er, I think it's a pretty common English ending for a last name.

If there wasn't a huge pool of tfw's to pay min wage to do these jobs, businesses owners would likely have to pay more than min wage to attract domestic workers to cover the work. Supply and demand of workers should be able to force wages to livable levels but instead business just increase the supply of workers to keep wages at rock bottom.

If you have the last month rent deposit and they move out this month, you aren't owed anything.

Closer to 18 mpg for me, only downside was that it couldn't get over 100kph unless there was a good wind behind me. At the time there weren't a lot of cars with 4 wheel drive so this was a great choice for someone who needs it.

My Jeep I owned on the early 2000's was one of the most fuel efficient, non electric vehicles I've ever owned. It's a small vehicle. Granted mine was only a two door, 4 cylinder. Not sure what OP has.

Jeep wrangler has high maneuverability and is awesome in cities.

I always hated that everyone acted like Dexter's reaction was abnormal. He was very clearly distraught. He came across as suicidal even.

He turned his head away so you didn't actually see where the needle went in. He didn't inject it into himself.

Bar tenders make min wage here, around $17/hr. It takes no effort to open a beer, much less effort than stacking boxes in a warehouse, that's for sure.

Depends on the drink. Pouring a shot with coke or opening a beer isn't worthy of a tip. Help me pick out some fancy drink that takes effort to make sounds more like a tipped drink.

The smell of sour oil. I don't smell it because I was born here, but I'm told it's pretty strong smelling.

That seems just as unlikely to hit 7 generations. Most people aren't going to live to be over 100. The generations have a 15-25 year span.

No, you don't need to give any reason at all for vacation days but they don't have to approve any vacation days at all. They can assign you your vacation time but must be in 1 week increments at min.

But most companies aren't going to ask you to take a vacation day for a drs appointment. If you told me you had an appointment I would just let you take that time unpaid.

Worst case there is always unpaid sick days that are also required by law and don't need any reason given. Companies can't ask for a Dr note unless you are off for 3 days in a row sick.

There is duty council but they are pretty much useless for anything more than pushing forward the court date or just pleading guilty.

It does happen to everyone and no one should be dismissive of it but I don't think the comic is trying to downplay, instead point out the differences. Women with mental health issues are told they are being dramatic, attention seeking, or I've even been told that my depression isnt as bad as men because men have higher successful suicide rates. It feels like women's mental health just isn't important.

They do it because if they won't make enough money off of it, it is cheaper to not pay all the post productions costs to release it. Now it is beneficial to have it as an expense for one year instead of amortizing it over 10 years (still writing off the exact same amount of money). The expenses are written off whether they release it or not, it's just done differently.