Have your dose been the same for all those 15 years? Have you noticed any long term side effects? If you ever skip or miss taking it can you recognize dependency?

Starting it tonight 12.5 mg

Wdym with shocks in your head and arms? Like tingly/ants/dizzy feeling?? I get a super weird feeling as well when I don’t take my Zoloft (or when I first started taking it) but I can’t never describe it effectively to my psychiatrist…

No, please don’t. Trust me you’ll regret it.

It’s okay to loose it to a man, but someone you’re close with or trust. If it’s just a random guy you’re gonna feel worthless and used and like shit…

Busca en Facebook. Hice una búsqueda rápida, y si bien no me aparecieron grupos de venta de ratas me aparecieron muchos de dueños/cuidados de ratas. Puedes preguntar ahí.

Si, si fuiste egoísta. No, no es malo ser egoísta.

Es bueno incluso, en situaciones como estas.

Lo bueno que no se necesita ser graciosa ni carismática para ser presidenta 👍

Yeah I’m using a traditional recipe :(( (or do my measurements seem untraditional? Well, I guess I’m using a traditional recipe. An Italian friend asked for it to their mom and I follow it precisely.

I don’t double boil the yolks or anything like that. I whisk the yolks with the sugar, then mascarpone, then fold beaten whites in

As for the ladyfingers… at this point I just guess they’re shitty ladyfingers??? Cause yeah I soak them for so long

Oh wow… yeah it’s pretty little mascarpone. I just followed the recipe I was given by a friend, didn’t do much research haha. But I’ll give it a try with the ratio of this recipe and hopefully that’ll make the tiramisu more solid? Hopefully:(

Hahahahha this!

And all the recipes online by nonnas or Italian people don’t look fancy at all! I think I’ll embrace it then hahahah

Oh yeah, they def get softer. Like, they’re not crumbly anymore. But they’re dry ://

I’ll try with whipping cream…

And yeah, I let the ladyfingers sit in the cream for 8+ hours… then my guess would be it’s related to the quality of the biscuits?

help plating tiramisu/recipe troubleshooting :(((Open Discussion

hey, i have a tiramisu recipe that i absolutely love flavor-wise. and i dont mind eating it out od the dish lol. But im having a party soon and i have to make it. i was hoping i'd be able to get out clean and shaped portions.

so... are the ladyfingers supposed to be dry? i dip my ladyfingers for like 10 seconds... i know its a lot! but even when i do that, the biscuits only get moist on the outer layer bit kinda dry inside.

and ive seen chefs just brush some espresso... so im guessing the biscuit is supposed to be on the dryer side?

also, my cream is kinda on the drippier side, would adding gelating help me get better slices?

does the amount of cream i use between layer affect the consistency?should i go for more or less cream in between layers?

help :(

the cream recipe is 160gr mascarpone, 5-6 eggs, 60gr sugar. it makes a rather liquid (not so runny) cream... im guessing thats bad?

How to plate tiramisu?/tiramisu troubleshooting?

hey, i have a tiramisu recipe that i absolutely love flavor-wise. and i dont mind eating it out od the dish lol. But im having a party soon and i have to make tiramisu. i was hoping i'd be able to get out clean and shaped portions.

so... are the ladyfingers supposed to be dry? i dip my ladyfingers for like 10 seconds... i know its a lot! but even when i do that, the biscuits only get moist on the outer layer bit kinda dry inside.

and ive seen chefs so brush somne espresso... so im gessing the biscuit is supposed to be on the dryer side?

also, my cream is kinda on the drippier side, would adding gelating help me get better slices?

does the amount of cream i use between layer affect the consistency?should i go for more or less cream in between layers?

help :(

the cream recipe is 160gr mascarpone, 5-6 eggs, 60gr sugar. it makes a rather liquid (not so runny) cream... im guessing thats bad?

Get that green card, girl!

Bromi jajaj

Lo bueno es que depende completamente de nosotros que eso ocurra. Solo hay que consumir arte en lugar de la “basura gringa” de la que vi que alguien se quejaba en otro comentario. El arte no nos va a llegar así de la nada, tenemos que apoyarlo

Lamento romper tu burbuja… pero no existe tal cosa como pronunciar el español correctamente.

El lenguaje es un fenómeno social que nace de la necesidad de comunicarse. Es algo cultural. Va a cambiar de cultura a cultura, y no hay culturas mejores que otras. Aunque les encante hacerlo a los xenófobos ignorantes, la cultura no es cuantificable, y por ende, no puedes decir que una cultura es mejor que otra.

Puede que tú y tu familia crean pronunciar el español correctamente… pero fíjate como hablan tus vecinos (o alguna otra familia) y verás que cambia la forma en la que hablan en español… vamos, incluso en la misma familia puede variar muchísimo. Y nadie lo está hablando incorrectamente. Ahora vete a otra provincia de España y notarás que cambia muchísimo más. No lo estás hablando mejor tú que ellos. Ahora vete a algún otro país hispanohablante y notarás que cambia muchísimo más. No lo estás hablando mejor tú que ellos…

México ya es (e históricamente ha sido) cuna de excelentes artistas. Desde música, cine, artes plásticas, danza, teatro, etc.

Nmms no se enojan??? Me han tocado Ubers peores que algunos microbuseros