I just thought you sounded like an asshole and then found numerous examples of it. OP also camps in the left lane!

It only took you 17 years to make it back going that time of year

Well that’s the West Side in general

OP sells $100 handjobs at the rub n tug and comes on here to complain about junk food prices lol

Why do you think there’s no rodents in Publix supply chain? Surely you aren’t that ignorant

I’d cut Vegas out personally. Just drive on through. Especially if kids are along, Vegas is just a place to set money on fire and all the fun stuff isn’t suitable for kids. Or cut a day off the camping in St. Louis. Most every other stop on the trip seems better suited for the camping.

Since OP is doing a good portion of RT 66 I’m required by law to mention Uranus, MO and the Big Texan Steak House. Eat a steak there, don’t sleep there unless you want bed bugs

I wouldn’t say women money dig as much as humans do. I once dated a surgeon for six months and never got laid. I just kept telling myself if I made this work I’d be a retired stay at home dad

Strong disagree I did this whole trip last year minus Sequoia because it was closed. The high peaks loop hike at Pinnacles with the steep and narrow section was my favorite hike of the entire thing, although the Navajo Loop at Bryce and Grand Wash at Capitol Reef were close seconds.

I agree they should add Meteor Crater though, even if the whole “humble bragging about it being privately owned” thing they have going on there is off putting.

I had to oscillate around two joints early before I began to revert to the mean

Unless I’m completely regarded… the VIX generally trends down. VIX measures volatility. The market is becoming less volatile while also generally trending up. So theta is the winning trend, sell call and puts?

I’m confused why you think finding some fungus in a rented house qualifies you for a reward?

Just seems like something you ignore and laugh your ass of about how the owner is fucked on the repairs they’ll need to do at some point. Is there no fungus in your part of the world?

If even a Brit, with their Monopoly money and impressive losing streak against colonies, can understand that America = Fuck Yeah, then we’re still in a bull market

Listen dude, if you met the right Nazi I’m sure you could fall in love with them as long as they didn’t flaunt their beliefs too widely as they stole your freedom and undesirables lives.

Thats all Trump is saying.

There’s a hundred arm chair doctors in here telling you it’s could be anything from allergies to testicular cancer. One other comment telling you to see a doctor.

When you have weird symptoms your body is telling you to seek treatment. Maybe go seek treatment from someone besides your old high school classmates using anonymous usernames

This is how misinformation starts online. There’s no basis for your statement yet people who read it will upvote it and take it as fact and then repeat it to others. Please be more careful when deciding to post online

Joe Dirt: So you're gonna tell me that you don't have no black cats, no Roman Candles, or screaming mimis? Kicking Wing: No. Joe Dirt: Oh come on, man. You got no lady fingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, gut busters, zippity do das, or crap flappers? Kicking Wing: No, I don't. Joe Dirt: You're gonna stand there, ownin' a fireworks stand, and tell me you don't have no whistlin' bungholes, no spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker don'ts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistlin' kitty chaser? Kicking Wing: No... because snakes and sparklers are the only ones I like. Joe Dirt: Well that might be your problem, it's not what you like, it's the consumer.

The algorithm has targeted me at least a dozen times with that scene this weekend. Social media really does understand what appeals to you and puts it in your face.

Or they googled it, did it, then supply their experience here.

I mean I played with fireworks obsessively from ages 9-25. But I only got started with some ladyfingers and smoke bombs the first few years. Along with snaps, snakes, and sparklers of course.

Most of the answers are people mashing together results from Google because doing research is typically how a person learns a new skill or knowledge…