
A few starters:

  1. Turning up to a date with a massive backpack
  2. Unreasonably not getting along with your family
  3. Being a picky eater
  4. A positive covid test
  5. Taking loads of photos/videos of your food
  6. Weirdly bad posture
  7. Hating tv shows you've never watched
  8. Poor diet with loads of junk food
  9. Not getting a round in / generally tight
  10. Live laugh love
Is a 45 minute transfer feasible?Question

My girlfriend and I are travelling from the UK through Schipol (Netherlands) onto Paris CDG, with bags. Our transfer in Schipol is only 45 mins, with bags. I called the airline and they told me not to worry, the minimum stopover for Schipol is 40 mins and they will get the bags, but I still think this seems super tight.

Has anyone had any experience like this, and how did it work out?

That looks like a great innovation, thanks for sharing!

Nice one, thanks for the advice! Think I'm going to take a plunge on a Grayl

Yeah I've been reading about them! Seems like a pretty phenomenal product. Is it as good as their website describes it, in your opinion?

Best water filter to drink tap water abroad?Travel

Does anyone have a recommendation for a portable filter that will allow you to drink tap water in countries where it might otherwise be risky?

Favourite footwear for backpacking?Travel

Hey! My girlfriend and I will be backpacking round South America and SE Asia for a year. I'm thinking two pairs of shoes - comfy trainers for the cities and something more robust for the occasional hike.

Does this sound sensible, and what are your favourite shoe recommendations?

Is nobody going to mention the Fly episode in Breaking Bad?

What's everybody's favourite app for offline maps?Travel

Hey guys, I'm taking off round South America and SE Asia for a year and won't have data roaming in a lot of countries. What do you think is the best offline maps app for driving, hiking, and generally getting around without an internet connection?