Oh I agree completely, but adora is on her own for this one.

I’m not defending them, I just don’t think the focus needs to be on them, necessarily. Especially because like I said, they’ll just fade back into obscurity. Adora did this to herself, she is the problem. Period.

I personally think this subreddit, all the stuff with adora, etc has really gotten to them. They seemed somewhat more lucid back before this subreddit started. Not that I’m blaming this subreddit at all, but things like this affect some people more than others. They had issues before this too though, for sure. They had been to rehab/hospitalized before, they seek to be a fragile person.

Oh oops, at one point their profile said he/they, didn’t notice they changed it.

Hot dog is just… not right in the head. They’re coming unglued right before our eyes.


This comment and user name 🤣🤣

I don’t necessarily think it’s “telling” of anything, especially considering a lot of her mods and people around her don’t really use their TikTok pages other than to mod for her. It’s not like they’re super public with their pages or even posted much content. So I don’t necessarily see why they would need to address anything. They’ve never said anything about other things she did, so I don’t know why they’re expected to say anything about this. They have no obligation to say anything either. Now Mel will probably say something because she wants to continue her lives, I’m sure. But that doesn’t mean she knew. Everyone else? They have zero reason to say anything, they’ll just fade into obscurity again. I don’t see why they would even need to save their ass, they have no platform they’re trying to save or anything. I personally don’t care to hear from them either.

So you’re just assuming? Mel was yapping away in that video of her doing it, totally oblivious, she sure didn’t look like she knew.

You’re just operating off of assumptions, you absolute cannot confirm one way or the other any of them knew. I guess I just don’t see how anyone could have known and no one has been able to tell me why they knew. You can’t just assume things about people because you don’t like them. I’m taking the innocent until proven guilty stance in this situation. I don’t like any of those people, but I’m sure not going to accuse them of things we have absolutely zero proof of either.

Coconut oil is so disgusting because you can taste it in literally everything you cook in it. 🤢 I’ll never understand why people cook with it. The only thing to cook eggs in is butter.

See I’m the exact opposite. Sure I can get behind pockets in dresses sometimes, they’re cute and fun. But listen, I’m a hippy woman, I don’t EVER need more bulk added to my hips, thanks. I just got a dress that has pockets but it’s flowy so it doesn’t accentuate my hips in the first place, so yeah. Also, some pockets in dresses begin to get all weird after several washings, depending on the fabric. All in all I don’t really mind pockets in dresses but I’m picky about them.

I’m also not about to put anything other than maybe my phone in any pocket in any piece of clothing, because again, your girl is hippy. So for me the pockets don’t exactly need to be functional.

How can the cosign to something they didn’t even know about though?

Lettuce pray for her during this difficult time. 🙏🏻

I hate when she posts stuff like this, it just gets the MAGA nutjobs riled up that much more.

I mean when you consider sex counts as dilating… yeah I’d say it’s pretty comparable to masturbating.

I have no bias towards Mel or anyone else in Mel and co. No matter how many roundabout ways you try to explain it, Mel is not and never will be responsible for what another grown adult does. Nor should she even have to speak about it. Period. She will, I’m sure and it’s probably out of expectation from her followers and she can keep her platform going (she only cares about herself,in other words), but she’s not obligated to. She has no obligation toward Adora or anyone else.

No, you just don’t have an actual answer, no one on this thread does.

Restoring to ad Homs is always the sign of an intelligent person, btw. 👍🏻

Then what are you expecting from her and why?