:cs: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

RK, you are gonna need to keep a really good seamstress on speed dial. There’s no way any kind of fabric can hold up those balls.

Kingdom Hearts is a mediocre game series. It coasts on its narrative use of Disney characters to hide the intensely idiotic, convoluted storyline. My hot take is that nobody who works on writing the sequels has ever played the games that came before it.

Desantis is the Trump equivalent of “we have food at home”. Additionally, the guy is a weasel who gives off try hard vibes. Nothing he says feels authentic.

The Disney war and overreliance on “woke” in his messaging pretty much did him in. Surprised there weren’t a lot more comparisons to him riding coattails like Jeb. I’d call him vanilla, but at least vanilla has flavor.

It does seem to be a walking endorsement for sexualized medical care. The fact we don’t see specifically how the old lady nurses quirk works beyond kissing gestures does indicate it’s highly suspect and likely very sexual in nature.

Sorry, but if Mrs Magoo says the only way to heal me is to tongue bath my body, I’m definitely not coming out of that room traumatized. Yet those underage children seem to be very comfortable with what is probably the equivalent of the hands on medical care given by Lawrence Nassar.

Haven’t read the manga but whose eyes are that on Dekus side just above his fist?

I really hope they take into account his lack of remorse, history of threatening language, and likelihood of repeating the behaviors… then toss his ass in jail as a message. Secret Service already looked into logistics of him going to jail. I’m betting they’ve already discussed this in detail with the judge to get his temperature on the verdict.

:cs: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Knew he had a lot invested. Didn’t realize he cashed out a little. Thought he was holding the full stash the whole time.

If you need help, the memes are extra spicy. 34 rules broken. Felonies even. Just a simply google to find them all: “trump rule 34”

:cs: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I know nothing about the man’s finances. Thought he was just some random analyst. How’d he have that kind of cash?

:cs: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I still don’t understand wtf happened with Loopring. It just kinda fell apart. In retrospect, seems like the hype was all artificial. Glad I dumped those bags before it imploded entirely.

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Bots forgot about GameStop.

Ymmv but I just could not get into it. The story was boring. It’s very heavily reliant on stealth. The enemy AI is cheap and you get swarmed often. I get it’s basically groundhogs day the game, so dying repeatedly is the idea. But holy hell did I suck at that game. And that game made me feel every death.

Evil West was such a fun game but it is broken af on multiplayer. Got halfway into the game and it just kept crashing. That wouldn’t be so bad if the crash didn’t also send us back to the start of the level.

Nothing against Chloe, but the only thing they have in common is the notoriety of giving a beej on camera for the world to see.

:cs: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Or fail to settle.

Their first problem was building it on water. Idiots should have built it on land. And put Boeing in charge.

Heh yeah. I like to point out the dog and Pammy as characters that Fitzgerald introduces and then intentionally buries. By the time you get to the payoff, you’ll have forgotten about them entirely. So when Gatsby meets Pammy, you buy into the look of bewilderment when Nick mentions that Gatsby had deluded himself into thinking the child never existed.

Sadly, the filmmakers forgot them too. Neither character have the equivalent payoff in the film version. The leash/collar for the dog is exchanged for a pearl necklace. The only time you see Pammy is in the final minutes of the film. You don’t get the interaction with Gatsby at all. I kinda get why Luhrman did that. It would confuse the audience. But that was always the authors intention.