Congress sets the criteria for impeachment, and can essentially impeach for any reason. That said you need a simple majority in the house and 2/3 majority in senate. Congress members could individually vote based off whatever arbitrary criteria they want.

Well a patent is only good for what? 20 years? So at most he was directly involved in patenting something in late 90s.

No, the law doesn't expand the presidents authority, just gives them immunity for how they use existing authority. In other words the president has no new power, but they can absolutely abuse the power they have as long as congress doesn't get their shit together and impeach, even if they do, worst that can happen is removal from office.

A successful Impeachment requires 67 votes in the senate. Considering the partisan divide in congress I am doubtful that could be secured even if POTUS had a US citizen assasinated, all it would take is 34 senators deciding there isn't enough evidence, or that it was in best interest of the country, or that they don't want to be next, and this hypothetical rogue president stays in power as there's no other legal mechanism to hold them to account.

Frankly I think this is a lesser concern, as much less dramatic stuff like having FBI, IRS, DOJ, etc harass political opponents to keep them out of office is, according to the ruling, something the president could order and face no repercussions for. POTUS could do this for any political race, allowing them to stack congress with loyalists and completely undermining the concept of 3 co-equal branches of government. Could then have congress pass a modern equivalent to the enabling act, and at that point democracy is dead. US could slide into a dictatorship in under 10 years.

Well he's credited on patents as recently as 2016, so if he's not been in a lab in decades he's apparently been doing something the other inventors felt warranted adding his name to list of inventors.

That would almost certainly be an official act and have immunity. Hypothetically Congress could impeach and remove them from office. I am honestly skeptical they could get the 67 vote threshold to convict even in this circumstance.

I will disregard whatever I feel like, thank you very much.

I have been skeptical of polling for awhile now, they have consistently skewed republican compared to actual results, think it's mostly an issue with response bias as mostly older people, that skew republican already, pick up the phone and answer polls consistently.

Pollsters can do some math to account for it but there's some key assumptions that need to be made for that math to be valid. I don't think the polls are useless, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were consistently off by ~5% come November

Tbf the question specified "since 2021" so the rights to the patent etc was probably bought off him shortly after its developement.

The difference is those cartoons are meant to pull people to support hamas, while civilian casualties and an Israeli occupation pushes people to support hamas. I would argue that in the current environment the push factors are by far the most dominant.

You are correct. However the president has the power to pardon violations of both federal law AND the UCMJ. Meaning the only real obstacle to the president doing something most would consider well outside of bounds is the character of the particular individuals given the order, what is to stop the president from either shopping around to find a devout loyalist among the existing ranks or simply putting someone with known loyalties in an official position and tasking them to carry out these nefarious orders. It's also not just the military, pretty much every federal agency that falls under the executive branch could work. So perhaps it's an FBI swat team and not DEVGRU, the end result of the hypothetical is the same.

In related news, Hamas militant recruiters report 5,000 new recruits signed up since IDF began Rafah ground operation. The (not) surprising influx of recruits has Hamas militant leadership considering implementing minimum height and weight restrictions to weed out malnourished applicants.

It doesn't make a difference. Your basically holding the equivalent of an IR road flair.

Source-me former drone operator for US Army

Borrowing money doesn't change the amount of money in circulation, it has a lower impact on inflation than printing money and shoveling it into the economy. People freak out over 5-10% annual inflation, and invoke instances of historical hyperinflation, which is honestly hilarious as the instance they pick are typically multiple orders of magnitude worse. Like Zimbabwe at its peak is estimated at 80 billion percent per month.

Osha is annoying but there's a lot of horrible ways to die in the workplace that your boss would happily expose you to if it meant saving a buck.

Short answer: depends on the jury.

Longer answer: depends on the juryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

Kinda. There's a few nuances to the practice but the big point is Trump goofed up everything about this interaction.

Well to be fair, this is a thing. It's a bit unusual and requires department of labor to certify it on a case by case basis, but it is something that should be discussed.

I don't even like Biden.

But, I'd rather old and infirm than a traitor-wanna-be-dictator.

And I am reasonably certain a sufficient number of fellow Americans agree. Democrats could run Biden's corpse and I would vote against Trump.

Biden won new Hampshire primary as a write in and has stepped every other state by such margins every other contender dropped out. Nobody is going to switch a Biden vote to Trump. Frankly as long as Trump is alive biden will have a strong turnout just from people voting against Trump. Biden could drop dead right now an most of the country would vote for his corpse over trump.

Need 1 person crazy enough to push the button on command out of a few million. They don't even nescessarily need to know who they are targeting.