He’s behaving like someone never heard no and mom is now realizing that what was “cute” when he’s was younger is not so cute anymore! The time out on the floor is what she should have been doing when his was a lot younger then he is now! Wonder what his behavior does for her business? I would not shop there if this is what goes on inside!

NTA..” Karen” should learn to keep her mouth shut and her incorrect opinions to herself. If anyone should feel awkward it should be Karen!!

Sounds like such an inviting place…wonder if they are booked solid?😳

Big difference … you do realize that not one person agreed with you. You are to thick headed to change but hopefully your son will see how you are and not act as if the world owes him…I was willing to sacrifice my weekend. Give me a break…just keep believing that you are correct and everyone else is incorrect and you will carry the title of Giant Asshole for the rest of your life!

No she lives at his house but she has no say over who’s invited to their social gatherings … unless she’s a queen and he lives in her kingdom she has no say!

At HIS party he can decide whatever he wants…not your party - you have ZERO say in the guest list!

Oh but you can force your opinion down everyone else’s throat because that’s what you want! You are not only an asshole but an idiot..to thick to reason with..hopeless!’

Says you…ever think about the fact that maybe ( if he acts anything like you) they don’t like him! Does he have the same entitled attitude as you?

Why … because you were upset so you had to tattletale on your brother because he hurt your feelings. I’m pretty sure she already knew that your brother at his own house was have an event at his own house that did not include your son but yet she said nothing until you went crying to mommy about your mean, mean brother! Your son may be 10 but you sound like your 5! Such an asshole move! Don’t hold your breath waiting on the next invite!

You are a giant entitled asshole! Who are you to dictate who you brother, SIL and nephew invite to their house!! Maybe you son is not the pleasure that you think he is..maybe he’s like you and goes crying to mommy when you feel left out! Your mother is also an asshole for encouraging you to continue with entitled attitude! Also 12-13 would have chewed your son up and spit him out if he acts as immature as you!!

All I can say MOM…you are a giant asshole. How could you be so superficial? This is your son your words stung deeply and I’m sure will be with him the rest of his life. Only thing I can say is you should watch yourself carefully because if you were my MOM I would be no contact already. You are toxic and your Mother is correct mean and uncalled for. If your husband does not see the problem then he’s an asshole as well!

OMG….best comment ever to describe the species!! 😂😂😂😂

I’m sorry you can’t realize that taking care of your own children is considered a “gift”!! What the hell buddy that’s a gift! Tell me something anytime your with your friends playing golf, bowling or just watching a game…do you consider that a gift?? All you had to do was have the kids make her a card, draw a picture just to let her know that you were thinking of her. Don’t get in the mind set that she’s not you mother…she’s the mother of your children and you need to set the example! Oh yea by the way you are a giant AH!!

What difference does that make. He’s hearing it and learning it somewhere…school or could it be at home? Ten year olds just don’t know this on their own, he’s hearing it somewhere! Your not the AH but your sister and BIL may be. Just a thought

Everything would have been better if OP had just gotten an apartment that she could afford by herself in the beginning. Agreements were made but OP sounds very entitled “she didn’t put my desk together” why should she … it’s yours! Paying half the rent to have a screen for privacy…I use one…to hide my cats litter robot, not to make a bedroom. It’s not selfishly upset…she’s upset because she can’t find another patsy to put up with the same BS!

YTA all right…maybe she can just call you obnoxious stepmom and you can just get used to it! God your an asshole!

If any of the other siblings have a problem with the new rules…just have them discuss it with the SIL that thinks it’s not a big problem. Let them be angry with the person that caused the reason for the changes. Your not the AH she was!

Does your Aunt really think that being Plastic Surgeon is not a “real” doctor. Does she not realize that’s not all surgeries are elective. After an accident that may effect your face or what about reconstructive surgery on a breast cancer patient who had a mastectomy or lumpectomy maybe scar revision. Even if you “only perform cosmetic surgery” does that take from your years of study and dedication! Your are not the AH but your aunt, cousin and any other relative that feels the same as her are the AH! Let’s pray that she or her daughter never need the service of a Plastic Surgeon for any of the reasons that I mentioned above. Bet she changes her tune then!

Quite frankly your “friend” was abusing you as well! She suggested, you declined then she badgered! Not an AH. Not a true friend!!