Nope, the earth has been here for 4 billion years and we have been a part of it for about 300,000 and I don't see that changing any time soon.

It's going to depend on what sub you are on. Some will allow it some won't. Each sub has its own rules.

I also hate it and I'm not that good at it so my husband did most of the cooking but after he passed away I had to figure it out or starve. I found if I cook something like a pork roast or beef roast I can make a few easy meals out of it by tossing it in a flour tortilla, or rice with some veg or ramen noodles. You can do the same with a rotisserie chicken you buy from the store.

Depends on whether they are cheaper overall or just on a few items. I wouldn't go to both stores just to save .72 on strawberries.

Lol, this is the reason I posted this I couldn't figure out how on earth they would make something like this work. I theory it is a great idea but IDK.

I think it would depend on how old the child was. Are we talking about a 3 y/o or a 15 y/o?

Being an annoying asshole. I can pretty much overlook everything else.

Unfortunately no. I need to get down that way and go watch one. Twilight launches are pretty awesome.

Go out my bedroom window. TBH we have had several bears in our neighborhood so chances are I would think it was them and not an actual person.

Nothing they will put in your chart that you left and bill your insurance. People leave the ER all of the time.


I don't lock mine and TBH I'm not even sure where the key is. I live in a town of around 2,500 people.

I have almost always voted by mail but IIRC you just show your ID and they check your name on their list and then you take the ballot to an empty booth. You should get a booklet in the mail that explains all of the propositions that are on the ballot, the candidates, and a sample ballot.

Not really. I don't bother paying attention to 99% of the stuff I come across every day because most of it is crap.

Lol thanks for the laugh and TBH at this point it isn't a bad idea then they could pretend this never happened. Between this and the plane issues, they should just shut the whole company down or at least not let them deal with anything that is going to have humans on board.

I bought the game through Steam and my kid plays it on Game Pass and for whatever reason he has way more problems than I do with stuff like that. Personally, I think that GP sucks ass but that is just me.

At work, I think about work stuff and things I need to get done. When I'm at home I don't think about anything in particular other than what to have for dinner and if I have clean clothes for the next day.

Not close at all. I don't know who Kushal Kumar is but they sound like an idiot.

Lol, I guess growing up with parents telling me that life was unfair every time I complained. You learn to take the punches and enjoy the times when it doesn't suck. Fairness is subjective anyway what might be unfair to you might be perfectly fine to me.


Lol yeah not quite that small we are around 2,500-3,000.