I always bring a good portable humidifier. Hotels don’t always have them available and my skin always gets so dry when I’m in heavily air conditioned hotels and convention centers all day long.

The hardest part of dating in the Bay Area for me is that men don’t want to live here long term. Most of the guys I meet on dating apps see the Bay Area (and in many cases California as a whole) as a temporary place to advance their careers, make a bunch of money and leave.

Especially lately, the only successful dates I’ve had are with people who are also born and raised here in the Bay simply because on almost every first date with a transplant, they talk about how they’ll leave California sooner or later. I see this place as my home and I’m committed to staying but most guys I meet don’t feel the same.

I mean I feel like you could make this harm reduction argument about literally any unhealthy coping mechanism. Society should pay off people’s gambling debts so bookies don’t send goons to break their legs… they’re gonna gamble either way, so we should at least prevent them from being tortured. Hoarders are gonna hoard regardless, so we gotta send sanitation workers to clean out their houses on the public’s dime every couple of years so the building doesn’t get condemned.

For drugs I get why the city does things like safe injection sites bc our first responders and ERs are so overburdened with ODs. But it is enabling, whatever you want to call it. I do favors sometimes for my family members who are addicts bc in the moment I can’t deal w the prospect of them suffering from my refusal to help. But I know it’s only making the situation worse in the long run.

I completely agree with all of this.

I don’t want to be graded on the “good… for a woman” scale. I want to be in my role because leadership believes I’m capable, not because my boss’s higher ups are scared of being sued for hiring too many men.

The result of DEI in tech has basically been that now, white men are seen as the only people who legitimately earned their jobs on merit, and everyone else is “only there to fill a quota.”

But even if you sub to the ad-free version of every major streaming service (Hulu, Max, Disney, Prime, Paramount, Peacock, and Netflix) cable is still more expensive. AND you’d have commercials AND you’d be locked into a 12+ month contract. Streaming has fs gotten more expensive but in no way has the cost outpaced that of cable.

In my neighborhood most of the local businesses are doing the opposite of this. Putting signs up saying they DON’T accept any cash payments. I believe they’re trying to convince people they don’t have any cash on the premises to avoid being targeted for robbery / burglary.

Hasn’t really worked though from what I can tell. One restaurant in particular has been refusing cash for a year now and they still get broken into every other month.

Service bundles and having ads on streaming is still not reinventing cable though?? With cable you’re locked into a 1-2 year contract. Even if you pay for every streaming service (which barely anyone does, realistically) you can still you can drop and resume subbing to individual streaming services on a monthly basis.

People who claim that streaming costs as much or more than cable don’t remember how expensive cable really was.

I hear this all the time and idk why so many people believe that anyone who treats animals well can’t possibly be a shitty person.

People I meet who say they “like animals more than people” almost always end up being egotistical, self absorbed nightmares. And tbh it makes perfect sense. Naturally narcissists will seek validation for their god complex from animals, bc most animals will treat whoever feeds them like a god. Unlike humans who generally seek some level of mutual respect from their peers.

The family had to move states every few years bc of Seth’s job. She would have had to take the new state’s Bar exam every time they moved if she wanted to continue practicing law. Can’t blame her for not doing that.

Indoor cats. I like cats but litter boxes are disgusting. I won’t share space with an animal that tracks shit particles all over every surface in the home. If my partner has cats they’ll need to train them to go do their business outside or it’s not gonna work for me.

Our sales of dances and champagne rooms were tracked because the club took a percentage. We kept 100% of our stage money and any cash tips bc the club had no way to track it… so yeah lol they would fire girls who made a lot of money on stage but didn’t sell enough dances or rooms.

“Imposter Syndrome” by Kathy Wang. It’s about a Russian spy who’s infiltrated the C-suite of a Silicon Valley social media company and is funneling intel to her government when a low-level female dev at the company figures it out. It didn’t fit the mold of a typical spy novel but I was entertained.

The strip club I worked at would scan people’s licenses at the door and at the end of the night we’d have this metrics dashboard with graphs of the number of guests throughout the night, pie charts broken down by gender and age range, the top 5 zip codes guests were coming from, etc. I never saw any info that could identify specific people but data was definitely being collected and stored from people’s IDs.

This is so true. People say over and over again that vocabulary, clothing, hair, pronouns, hobbies, etc. ≠ gender… and then cite those EXACT things as reasons why they don’t identify as a particular gender.

If someone said they don’t conform to racial stereotypes and therefore they aren't actually [insert race], that person would be rightfully criticized as a self hating racist. But nonbinary AFABs go around saying “I'm not a vapid one-dimensional sex object, therefore I am not a woman” and somehow that’s not seen as sexist.

Didn’t they say at one point that he’s a lobbyist for the AARP?

Idk, I see it get said a lot on Reddit that parents should always be willing to let their adult children live with them rent free and frankly… people on here have rose colored glasses on when it comes to the adult children living at home scenario.

For every adult child who’s showing their parents gratitude and using their assistance as a stepping stone towards independence, there’s another adult child who’s being a bum and taking advantage.

Right now my 50-year-old sibling is getting kicked out of their apartment and is trying to pressure our mother into letting them move in with her. They have a job, can afford another place on their own, and the landlord gave them a few months but they haven’t even been looking at apartments. They feel entitled to just move in with our mom and contribute nothing to her household expenses, then spend all their paychecks on fun stuff instead of paying bills like the rest of us.

I’m telling our mom not to let them move in because they’re clearly not motivated to be self sufficient, so why the hell should she be shielding them from the financial realities of life?? It only hurts them in the long run.

Lol, I’ve noticed this when I go see live music. When the artist is popular with GenXers (eg. Blonde Redhead) there’ll be a few people filming parts of the show but ALWAYS in landscape 😛 which I kind of love bc you know it’s strictly for their buddies in the group chat, not social media.

So… a girl who is too naive / sheltered to set boundaries.

Monkey King! How is this place always so busy? I tried like 8 different things when I was there with a group & it was all super oily and disgusting.

I have to agree. I’ve been given this same advice about never apologizing and since all the other women are too, now I gotta deal with EVERYBODY being needlessly hostile, defensive and condescending instead of just the men.

I remember one time I said “sorry for the delayed response” and my difficult (female) coworker replied “don’t say you’re sorry. It wasn’t an accident, it was a choice.” Like… really? What do you want me to say? “Yeah, your request was low on my list of priorities. Go cry about it”??

When I first started in tech 7 years ago my boss at the time always wanted me to plan all the team outings. His reasoning was that since I was born and raised in the city and everyone else was a transplant who hadn’t lived there that long, that I would be more aware of the good places to go.

This was pre-pandemic when the local economy was booming and new restaurants and bars were literally opening every day. What difference does it make that I’ve lived in the area longer? Like… do you want me booking team dinners at the hole in the wall Italian place I ate at with my family back in the 90s??

I found Schitt’s Creek and the Good Place to be painfully unfunny.