Earth has the highest skill team by a lot. Water is the weakest. Air is next with only one good hard carry in Aang.

I think you're incredibly weak if you can't do it, but I also think it is much more than is necessary. The science has been pretty well established.

It is more than that. You're all really twisting this because you desire for it to fit your very narrow view point.

Does it also do that? Absolutely. Most things have multiple uses.

Virgin take. Ugly people get laid and are happy every day. Only a loser is thinking like this.

It doesn't matter. The odds that you run into the spiders are the same as just about everywhere else on the planet.

And there are people I've known for months that I know extremely well. Everyone progresses with everyone else very differently. This is all stupid shit from people with no life skills.

Did you not read it, you illiterate fuckwit? It says they knew each other for some time before the date even happened. You're dumb as fuck.

Not extremely. Common though, sure. No one I've ever known has done this.

"Thanks, now she can get me that new graphics card I've been wanting"

Towards everyone. People act like 18 year olds are brain dead morons.

Any other mobile device or connected car from any carrier that also travelled that route through spacetime are suspects.

Something something trampling everyone's rights

This is one of those lines you don't want to start pushing. Just think on it for a few minutes.

All over the USA you can report the location of stolen items and 90% of the time police tell you “sorry nothing we can do”

This is you not knowing what you're on about. There is a huge difference here and between all those cases.

Not how it works. Only the idiots get their things stolen so fuck those guys, right? That is the typical line of thinking. Besides, the workers aren't the ones paying for them.

Reddit: Dont make fun of how people look

Also Reddit:

I love how the fake standards go out the window the moment someone disagrees with the popular opinion. Dude does look like shit though

That is not curvy. THe artist explicitly made it not so.

Neither of them are hot. They're drawn with the detail of a cheap lego from 35 years ago

I'd wonder why someone under 10 has a photo capable phone.

This specific instance might be. Doesn't change that this happens all the time.

Yes. Look at the tail and ears. Mountain lions look like cats. Dogs look like dogs. This is absolutely not a mistake anyone should make if they've seen the domesticated versions before.

People are retarded. I saw that tail, saw those ears, and knew instantly it was a dog. Have these people never seen a dog or a cat before? The big ones look basically the same!

We can tell because the lighting is wrong lol

Colosseum/Gale of Darkness inspired? Aight, I'm in.