Bro if cheese doesn’t come out of the tap I’m punching someone

Bro they have been there for a long long long time.

Plenty of time to build better housing but they didn’t

Bro if yo cat got worms you are a bad owner

Bro I’m really not enjoying this picture rn

I’ve seen way too many people (including myself) touch all over my phone and then eat food.

Truly one of the grossest things you can do but we all do it so no one questions it.

Everything we do is gross

I would like to not bleed out on the floor thank you very much

Some cats really hate that your feet don’t smell like them

Have you ever gotten sick right after.

If no then no

Last of us was amazing.

Went straight from that to fallout and it was almost unwatchable the acting was so so so so so fucking terrible.

Couldn’t get past episode 2 felt like I was watching a high school play

They shouldn’t kept all those old ass buildings and houses.

Remember 2003.

Apparently they fucking don’t

Nothing like opening the door to a fucking oven outside

90+ with 70-80% humidity all fucking day.

Welcome to Tennessee this is the best is gonna feel. Next month is gonna cook shit

Are you trying to imply being isolated in your house as a kid is good for you

You sound like a fun guy to be around

Just go outside and do stuff it ain’t hard.

If your “social life” is just work then that is sad

You don’t want human connections you want peoples life’s to be your own personal entertainment.

The fact you can’t see this is truly disgusting.

But you don’t care because it’s not your life getting talked about

Naw you just wanna talk shit about peoples lives.

Talking about people behind their back is fucked no matter how hard you try to justify it.

Go back to high school with that shit.

Talk about your own life for once