Random dancer stormed Dungeon Meshi panel stage, flashed tits and nips

Some rando stormed the stage at the beginning of the panel with an accomplice waving a flag. I couldnt hear what they were saying but I did see they were topless underneath their jacket.

Most artificial sweeteners are actually really bad for mental health, can't remember if they lower serotonin or dopamine but I have to avoid it since I have ADHD so no diet soda for my diet autism

Thie bikini rocks, and it looks great on you. It's a keeper.

I'm sorry to hear that, I just got back from London and I ate like a frugal king off TGTG there but I definitely noticed way more low star restaurants there. Everything in LA is at least 3.8 stars but all the good stuff sells out in 5 seconds.

Some people are like this, they see you do a good thing and want to tear you down.

I made a post on reddit about how my bone marrow donation was relatively painless and encouraged others to sign up for the registry especially since there's a desperate need for POC donors. While I got plenty of people to sign up or even just sign up for blood donations, a handful of people continuously accused me of faking it for reddit karma (a worthless currency) even after providing dated proof of the forms I had with Be The Match (America's national bone marrow donation registry).

I know daily mail is trash but why'd they choose the airbrushed football headshot as opposed to iono the killers less flattering mugshot?

I'm financially independent from her and don't live with her. She knows I'll just cut her off if she gets too much.

She wants to switch seats with the filmers kid to be next to her husband. Filming lady refuses cause it would separate her from her kid.

Asian boomers are way worse than white boomers because they have no problem putting hands on you if you're also Asian, they expect deference.

Where TF do you live where Ewan Mitchell counts as normal, land of sephiroths?

Yeah but Caraxes has recent war experience and a telepathic bond with his rider.

Thsts disingenuous, every female European monarch that was announced immediately had other European powers start beating war drums on them. Marie Theresa was an only child and she famously had to bring her infant firstborn son with her to beg for help from Austria's allies because even they didn't think she was fit to rule so she had to demonstrate she'd step aside for her son.

I think it's unlikely a woman her age in that era could still lactate or get pregnant, even less so since she's a commoner. But yeah that warm milk scene, dude has a mommy kink for sure.

Honestly they need all the metal they can get for the war effort. Then again they probably could've stripped Arryk of his armor.

Some of that probably wasn't acting. Kit and Rose fell in love IRL and got married.

We have no idea how much it was. For all we know it was like the equivalent of 50 grand, a lot for money but not comfortable to live off of indefinitely.

That's what happened, my husbands work announced a hybrid schedule and now I spend every Monday and Tuesday waiting at the door to greet him with my dog.

Wait you can look up tgtg reviews? Is it outside the app?

I went early in the morning too so I got it fresh outta the kitchen.

I clicked on the article link and the dude looks exactly how I'd expect him to look.

This looks like Mark Zuckerberg meta'd himself into some Naruto cosplay

So she's a bully. Tell her she's too old to be cyber bullying her daughter. Or tell her you're a busy adult with two jobs and that she should go socialize with her friends instead (if she has any).