There was this old dev post for 2018...

Hit their wallet, make claiming cost more. Another slightly manageable system we will be employing is simply that repeat claims from the same account mean that the cost of subsequent claims will increase because you are a higher risk.

Additionally we want to introduce more systems in the code that will scale costs and potentially even risk disqualifying players from their insurance policy if they claim too many times or if they are repeatedly claiming under 'suspicious circumstances' etc. How we'd do that is still up in the air and probably exploitable too, but its an avenue we are thinking about if we still feel the need to police this system if its repeatedly exploited.

People said the audio and the video was a lot worse than what they heard live.

And I couldn't log in for the entire 3.18 patch. So? That's what happens in this kind of development, you go through cycles of good and bad patches. Again, it's not for everyone.

The point is you said you couldn't conceive of something and I was pointing out that I already happens, into a much larger extent. People are always comparing these two games. Not that hard of a point to get.

Eve has entered the chat...

The in-game cost of the losses totaled over 11 trillion Interstellar Kredit (ISK), an estimated theoretical real-world value of US$300,000 to $330,000 (equivalent to between US$380,865 and $418,952 in 2023), as derived from the contemporaneous market value of PLEX, an item purchasable with real currency that can be redeemed either for subscription time or traded for in-game currency.,330%2C000%20in%20real%2Dworld%20money.

They've already mentioned in the past that the insurance that comes with the ships is hull insurance and there might be an optional one that will cover weapons / upgrades and possibly one that we could buy to cover our cargo.

Claim times will not just be a set time, they're going to vary based on availability of ships or materials to build the ships. It's not like they'll have an infinite number of ships just ready for you to claim.

How many people actually leave a rocket launcher on their vanguard's turret and don't immediately swap it out for laser repeaters? The rocket launcher pods aren't that useful.

Thank you! That's probably the best explanation I've seen about this whole thing. I'm primarily interested in stuff I bought at concept so I'm good to leave them melted and not have to buy back before the prices increase once they are released.

And there's been a hell of a lot of changes and development in those 12 years. I don't see your point.

It's not just server meshing but they're working on the tools to develop gameplay. They've talked about the tools that they're working on that will be responsible for developing missions in a more modular fashion instead of everything having to be handcrafted by multiple teams and tied into various game systems by hand.

If you're looking for everything to be completed and just work Right Now, maybe this isn't the project for you to be involved in.

That was sort of the whole point is something that had to be earned in game that you couldn't buy. They sort of status symbol that you've hunted for this thing for a hundred hours.

I was disappointed in the whole FHC thing as well as I thought it was something you could only earn through squadron 14. After I viewed a lot of the older videos though I realized they never said that was the only way you could get it, just that once you progressed through a certain point it would unlock the ability to buy it in game.

It was at the end of this video where Jared had asked what the various devs would like to see in ships and then they asked him what he wanted and he explained the whole classic restoration idea.

Yeah, they're not done yet. A lot of the systems aren't in and they still have a lot more work to do.

Reputation system could help with this as well as if you don't pay the people you hire you could gain some type of negative reputation. Again, we have to kind of be patient and wait for them to get the basic gameplay in before they can start expanding on stuff like this.

For now your best bet is to join an industrial org and get to know the other players that are doing these game loops.

A good way for new players to meet these people is through the guide system when you request a guide to show you these industrial game loops.

Before you do anything, see what was included in that 2013 game package. Back then they also included squadron 42 and maybe other things as well. You may have lost more than you realize. You should still be able to buy back the original game package to regain all that while still keeping your pulse to Connie chain separate.

How about you get a job and earn the money for your industrial ship in game? Just like in real life, you may have to work for someone else to get the money to start your own business and buy your own equipment.

There's nothing wrong with doing that in game. Currently asking and chat to crew for someone on a mole or reclaimer would not be the best way going forward as hopefully they'll have some kind of job board / looking for group / recruitment and game.

If you take the UEC value of ships, that is way above what you should get for any kind of mission or mission chain.

The best idea I've heard so far for acquiring a ship through a mission chain is one that Jared came up at one of the round tables and a lot of the devs seem to like as well. Some sort of mission chain that would take you all over the verse looking for bits and pieces of old ships that you would have to repair and rebuild into a ship. This would be an old ship that is not necessarily good at anything but just an achievement to work towards. Sort of like hunting down parts to a classic car to rebuild one from scratch. Every once in a while in one of the videos he'll mention the 'jalopy' which is most likely referencing this.

Whether or not those issues exist, it sounds like you want to play a finished game and not play-test a game in the alpha stage of development.

There's nothing wrong with that, and if that's the case, you're better off waiting till the game is closer to release, at least in beta testing where they'll focus on fixing the bugs.

But that doesn't seem to always be the case. The RSI info on buybacks says if you bought it on a discount you will have to pay full price when you buy it back. I guess my question is about ships that were purchased during a concept sale that you want to buy back after they are released into the game at a higher price. Will the buyback be at the original concept 'sale' price or the current in-game flyable price?



Like pledges acquired through the use of a subscriber discount coupon as noted above, pledges and packages that were originally being offered with a discount will not retain their discount when bought back.

This includes any item acquired during a sale that was offered at a temporarily discounted pledge price. All packages and ships discounted at checkout can only be bought back at their full original price, which is indicated by the red box on the left.

It's towards the end, I think around 38 minutes. I had to use the auto captions with translate to English. That doesn't work on mobile though.

I’ll teach you how to do it in just 8 hours with the help of our sponsor, Reynolds Wrap® Heavy Duty Foil.


This, I would never use any LLM as a search engine. If it wasn't trained on the subject or on the answer, it will hallucinate and give you something that sounds plausible but isn't necessarily correct.

But couldn't the person who put the lock on the door have just closed it after you were inside anyway, without you doing anything?

Games that go from pay to play to free to play usually see a decline in the quality of their communities. We definitely don't need things getting even more toxic than they already are.

See my link above for an interview after CitizenCon where Benoit says it's done and works well.


It's called Quantum, Quanta are the lightweight NPCs in the simulation.

In an interview with Benoit after the last citizenCon, he said Quantum was complete and working very well. They are just waiting for systems in the game to be able to use it.