Sorry mate, what ? You wouldn't want to recommend Trump to other countries and yet consider yourself a supporter. Can you explain why you support him then? Your comment is not exactly a ringing endorsement, so I would be really curious to know what you see in him.

Can you evidence that? You can't just state inflmatory things like that even if Tommy Robibson is a cunt and even if Israel/IDF are commiting genocide. If you can back it up, then please do. If not, please don't be so irresponsible with your words.

I will probably vote Green unless an independent gives me a compelling reason to vote for them.

Greens are at least talking about progressive issues and presenting something closer to my politics. Fuck Labour, was previously a member but I left when JC was booted and I do not like the direction Starmer is taking the party. Fuck the Tories, should be obvious why. I have no strong feelings for or against Lib Dems.

Not that it really matters because my constituency is a very safe Lab seat.

I may be wrong but I dont think many threesomes start because a random joined in ...

How much of that is true of say the Elgin marbles?

I dont know if we ever paid for them but I am pretty sure Greece still exists and is not currently battling an insurgency thats destroying their cultural artifacts. Greece does want them back though and representatives have been asking for years.

As for your assertion that we have been invaded and colonised multiple times, I have one question. Are there any collections of culturally significant ancient British artefacts on display in foreign museums that Britain has been unsuccessfully trying to reaquire for decades?

The Elgin marbles are probably the most high profile example, but they illustrate the point. If there is a sustained campaign by the descendents of cultural artefacts and there are no explicit reasons it would be a direct risk to the artefact, that warrants a conversation, no?

The idea artifacts shouldn't be returned purely on principle is just asshole'y.

Awesome! Its great to see some of the left/progressive influencer types trying to get involved more directly by supporting candidates and campaigns. Thank you and good luck to all involved :)

For me the buggest issue is the obvious fact that the Tories would never manage to implement it. They cant keep their own MPs under controll, how the fuck will they simultaneously controll tens of thousands of pissed off teenagers.

How would she feel about a gynecologist bear?

Ekranoplan? Mutant 3 way love child between a boat, a plane and a hovercraft.

Its quite different though.

CCTV doesn't automatically identify people, there is still a human involved. In the case above, they could have spoken to a human and explained their story, faicial recognition doesn't allow for that.

I think a lot of what the papparazzi does is pretty indefensible, but I dont see the equivalence anyway. How is an ordinary person attempting to buy groceries but being erroneously denied by a computer programme comparable to multi Millionaire who makes a living from being in the media being photographed without their permission?

It's much less surprising when you remember a significant percentage are complete and utter morons.

Current government have massively cut back our right to protest. Is Nigel upset about that? I assume Nigel is also up in arms about pro-Palestinian protests being shut down. Freedom to express solidarity with trans people?

That is all covered by freedom of expression but its supported by the same voices complaining that Muslims will shut down freedom of expression. Fuck off.

The referendum was 13 years ago, and the voter demographic has changed somewhat since then between the old dying and younger generations reaching voting age. How much time needs to pass before it's worth asking the question again?

Also, there has been significant criticism of the PR options available in the 2011 referendum. Would a different choice of PR options count as a repeat of the referendum? How different do the choices need to be in order for it to be considered a "new" referendum?

The example I am setting is that his time is more valuable to me than generating profits for someone else. I am setting the example that my family comes first, that my principles are not for sale, and that people still have worth outside of their econonic value.

I dont claim benefits, I dont drink, dont commit crimes, and I am not costing you or anyone else anything. I choose not to work unless it works for me, as is my right. You seem to feel I am doing something wrong here, why?

Working is not by itself an inherently virtuous act, and I do not agree with your belief that choosing not to work is automatically setting a bad example. You clearly choose to see things through a different lense.

You can call me a bum if you want, but my son doesn't, and frankly, I care a lot more about his opinion than yours.

My sons mum 90mins away on public transport and there is no public transport to/from his school, there isnt even a pavement for half the journey to the nearest buss stop. It can't be done how you think

I have served in the military, worked as a prison officer, done night shifts in a recycling plant, worked in council homelessness team ... I am happy he knows I will work.

I do not think i would be setting him any example at all because I wouldn't see him, ever. No employer has a right to my time the deal on offer isnt worth it.

I dont think it's an unreasonable demand to want to see my son and I can only do that on weekends. If you want me to work a weekend, you are not just asking me to give you my time and energy you are asking me to not see my son that week. £14 per hour is not enough motivation for me to make that sacrifice.

How much is your child worth to you?