Agreed. Except for the stinky and aggressive Billy Goat that butts you the moment you turn your back.

What did Goldman Sachs say about the early Personal Computers running DOS with 128K of RAM?

I agree that generative AI has a long way to go, but I've already found it to be useful. In 1983, my Mackintosh Computer with 128K of RAM and a 6" black and white screen back in 1983 was a useful professional tool.


Designers take into account imperfect execution. It's good to set a high standards for craftsmanship, but perfect execution is not assumed or required.

OP's matrix probably develops 95% of the potential strength which is 300% of the strength actually required by the design. 300% is called the safety factor by structural engineers. Wood designs have a higher safety factor than steel because steel is more homogeneous material and therefore more predictable. IDK what safety factor was actually used by the structural engineering of this boat design.

If OP is unhappy about the cosmetic appearance, he should consider finishing with an opaque paint rather than a clear urethane top coat.

I subscribe to It's interesting to compare Skysight forecasts with Windy forecasts, and to compare both with actual weather. I've no conclusions.


Vaccines do not totally prevent transmission, but a recently vaccinated person with a healthy immune system can be exposed to the virus and not become infected. A similar person might become infected. The vaccine is not 100% effective at blocking infection.

I'm surprised that the vaccine that they got 30 days ago did not protect them. I guess that FLIRT variant evaded that vaccination.

Kiln dried scraps make excellent kindling for my woodstove.

I just tell people that I have Cancer. Or you could tell them that you have Covid and that you want to protect them.

Offering them a mask is passive aggressive and is liable to antagonize them. It's a way to escalate, not deescalate.

I live with more than one rare disease.

Are you immuno compromised?

After applying the wax, should we wipe it off immediately, or should we wait for it to dry a bit before wiping?

Mr. Trump now leads Mr. Biden 49 percent to 43 percent among likely voters nationally, a three-point swing toward the Republican from just a week earlier, before the debate. It is the largest lead Mr. Trump has recorded in a Times/Siena poll since 2015. Mr. Trump leads by even more among registered voters, 49 percent to 41 percent.


He will just be replaced by a younger and more capable ideologue.


On a positive note. If Trump falls out of the race in the next few months, a bunch of candidates will fight tooth and nail to assume the position. Think back to the Republican primary debates of 2024.

On a negative note, the Dems could suffer the same fate should Biden drop out.

PPL glider and Taylorcraft BC-12-65

Whenever I voice the unpopular opinion that go arounds are not entirely risk-free, I always use the example of the pilot forgetting to reset flaps, not climbing and hitting obstacle. Full throttle without right rudder to compensate for P-factor is another way to get into trouble on a go around.

I first learned to fly in glider and and was forced to save bad landings no matter what. When I started training in tailwheel airplane, it was natural to continue to save landings, and that was fine with my instructor who flew both glider and airplane. He favored initiating go arounds before the flare if 'things were not set up right'. I don't think we ever did a go around to save a landing after the wheels touched, though we did some touch and goes.

PPL glider and Taylorcraft BC-12-65

Now might be the time to learn how to land on grass strips. It's not that hard and it might restore your confidence.

PPL glider and Taylorcraft BC-12-65

I started veering left decided to do a go around instead of obviously putting in right rudder, which made the left turning tendency worse

Interesting how defaulting to 'go around' got you into deeper trouble.

Good job sensing the stall and pushing the nose down! I like that my comment made sense to you as a young student pilot. Thanks for the feedback.

PPL glider and Taylorcraft BC-12-65

Answer depends on what sort of control inputs you were making. Don't forget that combined control inputs can be more stressful than full deflections of a single control surface.

Gliding clubs periodically discover non-obvious structural damage caused by pilots. For example, in composite aircraft, ribs may become unglued in the tail boom if overstressed. In metal aircraft, the main spar can be bent. Part of the situation is that gliders sometimes fly in gnarly turbulence.

As to what you might notice... An aircraft that won't fly straight and coordinated with neutral controls is worth a closer look. (Accounting for P factor).