And they were fucking assholes, why should we seek to make bullies laugh?

Mandating paternity leave isn’t male specific? And why does it have to be male specific in order for it to still benefit men?

I thought the fandom LOVED Dany, up until season 7-8. Dany was the fan favorite for a lot of the early seasons, and she was THE Targaryen that people were introduced to. Her legacy cannot be divorced from the legacy of the Targaryens, bc that’s is what she represents. I will admit they can be heavy handed with it, but it’s no so far fetched that the show runners would want to connect the story of an sovereign exiled Targaryen queen whose dragons caused ruin with the story of another sovereign exiled Targaryen queen whose dragons caused ruin. Like. It seems like a pretty obvious connection to make, and one that most of the audience was already making, the show is just reinforcing that idea.

Here is a list of things progressives want that would directly benefit men- increased minimum wage, strengthening unions, strengthening environmental regulations to reduce pollution, mandate paternity leave, end corporate welfare, improve social security/the social safety net, expand Medicare, increase spending on mental health initiatives and suicide prevention, open more homeless shelters and improve existing ones, pardon non-violent drug offenders, re-enfranchise non-violent felons, improve support and rehabilitation for inmates.

This is not an exhaustive list. But you can clearly see there are plenty of progressive policies that would make men’s lives tangibly better. Men are more likely to be hurt on the job, more likely to be in prison, more likely to successfully commit suicides, and less likely to have custody of children. There are several progressive-backed initiatives that seek to address these very issues. This gender war propaganda bullshit is totally distracting people from actually advocating for their best interests.

We don’t either, we don’t hate anyone based on inalienable traits, that’s kinda like, the core ideal of progressivism? Unlike conservatives, who use their “comedy” to spread hateful messages. It’s not funny, and makes them look like douchebags.

I have read fire and blood and I have no memory of this person. Of all the changes from the book, this one seems the most innocuous.

Why is it stupid? Beyond it being different from the story in Fire and Blood

I definitely caught it. I thought it was a cool Easter egg.

Give me an example of us becoming a matriarchy, bc I don’t see it. Having equal rights means having equal rights, feminists aren’t trying to become the new patriarchy, we want to get rid of it.

If you have no problem with true equality, then you are a progressive. I am a progressive. I am a feminist lesbian going to art school, I am the caricature of what a “man hating liberal SJW” looks like, and yet, the brand of progressivism that I hold, that my peers hold, seeks true egalitarianism. I am not your straw man. I think critically about the beliefs I hold. I have come to the conclusion that the pursuit of egalitarianism is the best ideal you can have, and that is what true progressivism is about. The “man hating liberal SJW” version of progressivism not the version that me and my peers aspire to.

LMAOOOOOOO yeah sure bc that totally makes it ok…….

Patriarchy does not want men to be fathers for their children, bc patriarchy says that child rearing is a woman’s job, and a woman’s job alone. Men having equal custody is actually a feminist ideal, not a patriarchal one. In addition, men receive custody in the majority of cases where they request in. Most of the time, the men simply don’t ask for custody, bc again, they assume child rearing is a woman’s responsibility, and they don’t care about stepping up for their kids. That isn’t to say men being denied custody doesnt happen, but this entire issue is being gravely misrepresented by people who have an agenda.

Feminists want men to step up and be parents. We want men to take on more responsibility in rearing children, now what women are expected to be in the work force just as much as men are. We want men to have paternal leave so they can fulfill this responsibility. We do not want women to be the only ones raising children, since our modern economy requires us to work in order to provide for our families.

I didn’t say it was nonexistent or impossible, just that it’s not something I regularly encounter, therefore it is possible to be progressive without hating men, and it’s not nearly the universal sentiment conservatives are claiming that it is.

If you want to see what systemic privilege looks like, let’s address the fact that women are far more likely to live below the poverty line, be a single parent, and are less represented at every level of government. We are far less likely to be corporate executives or be on leadership boards. Basically we are excluded from most every room where decisions which affect our lives are being made. Add to that, our fundamental right to bodily autonomy is being taken away.

Now. Does that mean men have it good? Hardly. Just bc most people in power are men doesn’t mean most men have power, because they don’t. Which is why men are not the problem. Patriarchy is.

He is like that edgelord who said they studied the blade, but he actually studied the blade. And instead of an AK in his backpack, it’s a fucking nuke (Vhagar)

….its not about him being naked, its about him being a scary motherfucker with amazing, attention grabbing prescence on screen.

In the end, Aemond is fighting for himself. He wants to be king instead of Aegon, and is subtly pushing him towards war bc he knows Aegon can’t cut it as a military leader. And, he has burned any bridge he has with the blacks by killing Luke. There is too much bad blood there for him ever to switch sides, so he is playing his cards right and aiming for the crown by being strategic in his alliances.

I said “that’s a scary motherfucker” out loud while watching. He has such a presence.

Or so you have been told….I have never met a leftist who actually hates men, and I am a lesbian going to art school, if I was ever in a place where that idea would be rampant, it would be there. But I pretty much never hear them say anything negative about men. They do say negative things about misogyny and the patriarchy, but those are not intrinsic to manhood at all, no more than hating men is intrinsic to womanhood. The fact is, we are a lot more alike than we are different, and any ideology which encourages us to alienate ourselves from each other is unproductive and harmful. Misogyny alienates women, misandry alienates men, but true progressive ideals of egalitarianism are beneficial to us all.

Where did I say anything remotely pertaining to the law. What are you on about??? Not every social force is written into law. That’s an extremely reductionistic and narrow minded view of things. Progressive policies would help men by strengthening unions, increasing minimum wage, mandating paternal leave, etc etc etc. But the right doesn’t care about actually improving the lives of men, they care about keeping women down. Look up project 2025. There may not be laws enforcing the patriarchy now, but there will be soon.

Forcing men into millitary service is in no way a progressive law. It’s in fact the exact opposite of progressive. And form of forced labor or military service is antithetical to the ideals of liberty and egalitarianism. No “progressive” would ever support such a law. It’s the conservatives who believe only men are fit to serve their country. It’s the conservatives who support drafts and conscription. You’ve got this entire thing completely backwards. Misogyny infantilizes women, and sees them as unfit to be in the military because they are too weak and delicate and must be protected, therefore excluding them from service is actually anti-feminist. Not everything that seems to benefit women is progressive of feminist. That’s a very backwards way to think of things.

It’s not just a problem of the left though, misogyny in right wing circles is super extreme, many of them want women to be completely stripped of rights and forced into essentially sex slavery. For feminists, fighting against those ideas is an existential struggle. We are fighting for our very humanity. They see us as the other, and behave in ways that further alienate both sides, and exacerbate the issue. I have no problem with men, most leftists have no problem with men, we have a problem with violent misogyny, which the right promotes as the natural order of things.

That’s really not true. Conservatives are the ones pushing the idea that the left hates men, and the left is failing to properly rebut that idea, so the idea sticks. I haven’t met any leftist who actually hates men or has any issue with them. Their issue is with capitalism and the patriarchy. At the moment, those systems disproportionally benefit straight white men, so conservatives have successfully convinced that demographic that attempts to achieve egalitarianism is actually an attack on them, and they need to fight back.