Well, Hades 2 is looking for a 2025 release, probably in the first half of the year, so it won't be in EA for that long, but it does already have about the same, if not more content than the original Hades game, so it essentially has released

I worked for a domestic violence shelter for almost a year. Because of the fact that they got their funding exclusively from grants, both private and government, and those grants came with restrictions on how the money could be spent, they told me up front that if I went past 40 hours, they could not pay me overtime pay. So that's one of the exceptions apparently.

From her own hatred of the Absolute. Plain and simple.

Having worked there, it's a cheese sauce. Almost like a nacho cheese type thing.

The problem with the alt tab thing being a solution is that it's an option that can be turned off, and since the pause menu is how you get to the options, you can't change that setting during the Chronos fight.

And if you don't have the setting, you can't turn it on during that fight

Yeah. He's not exactly evil per se, at least no more than your average billionaire, just egotistical and proud, and a lot of the genuinely just bad stuff he did after the swarm went out of control was because he didn't want the future humans to see him as a failure

Well, it's been a while, so my memory isn't super clear, but wasn't Inigo generally good at not being a creep about it? Like yeah he was a philanderer and a flirt, but he generally respected the line between flirting and harassment.

It is not boosted, no. It was never intended to be, so the devs fixed it recently.

The weirdest part of that to me is that Claude isn't bi. Like, I can see it for Edelgard, and Dimitri seems pretty straight, but Claude is just complete bi energy. And you're telling me I can only romance that mans with F!Byleth?

And the DS and the GameBoy Advance, and the GBA and the GameBoy, and the Wii U and the Wii, and the Wii and the GameCube...

Yes, exactly. It just rounds out the element selection imo

I sat here staring at this comment for a solid minute before it clicked lol that's actually genius

I would love to have a Mutator that procs Overload on crit or weakspot hit like we have for the other elements

I don't think they've released anything since Frozen in Time in December 2021

In the ending sequence of cutscenes, it shows GAIA is only missing two subfunctions, which would be HEPHAESTUS and HADES, so yes, they have APOLLO properly integrated back into GAIA.

Literally exactly how it works though

They have said they might do more after the first 3, they have also referred to them as "the first 3 DLCs" a few times, so it's possible we get more, but they never said anything sbout specifically three more. It might be one more, it might be twenty.

This is correct. It needs to check something like once a week, not every time

A number of skills currently work like that and it's kind of putting a damper on a lot of interactions I was excited for

It's not all men. That much is true. Not all snakes are venomous, but I'm also not going to give any of them the chance to bite me to find out if it was venomous.