Well, get prepped. I feel like he is going to be the VP pick.

This is precisely why I make sure the AC has a bag of t-stops on them at all times.

My wife has a salon and we hit some crazy, unforeseen expenses. She is cpmpletely out of retail to sell to her clients. So, I would take the $500, log into her account and order her as much product to sell as I can. So it would be a gift that keeps on giving, and a surprise.

That makes sense. I just figured since today actually wasn't 'hell hot' like the past week, people would maybe want to enjoy the outside.

You are never going to believe this... OP here. I posted this right after leaving Flynn's Tire from replacing a flat tire that had a nail in it.

For this election... I would 100% take this opportunity!

I can't say literally anomyone would be better than our current choices, but many people would be. And I don't care about appeasing the masses. I care about choosing someone who 100% puts the welfare of the country above themselves.

I would build 2 high-rises with the sole intent of housing homeless who willingly participate in programs that will help them overcome whatever situations arised to make them homeless. They'd get free trade school or certificate receiving education, not have to pay for groceries or rent for 1 year. It's a 1 year program. You get the necessary help/tools to help you get back on your feet. If you succeed or not, you still must leave after that year. This ipens uo a slot for someone else.

That's my contribution for the world.

Then... I'd find 20 talented, yet undiscovered filmmakers and give them each the funding for their films. With me working in ancillary positions to the film industry, I run into many people who have amazing talent, but no opportunity.

My family would want for nothing. We would have no debt. My kids would have whatever they wanted purchased (because it has to be soent in the year), but their would be milestones before they would get those purchases.

I'd open a dream hair salon for my wife. She has done hair for 25 years and is super talented. Time for her to have a standalone salon.

Back to my old high school... I'd start several scholarships for C students. I was a very smart student who did shit for grades. Crushed tests, but didnt excel at homework.

After all this, I'd see how much is left and buy a bunch of expensive silly shit.

I always find it amazing how much less gear I 'need' for a shoot when I have to fly. Yet when I drive, I always seem to need so much more.

I will drive up to 5 hours for a half day shoot. With excellent pay. More than that and I am typically getting a room the night before, shooting and then driving back as soon as we wrap.

The Bees Knees at Saucy Brew Works is the best pizza in CLE.

My sneezes are always a 2 sneeze combo. So I'd make everyone change and change back immediately. Which would be hilarious to see. Especially if they didn't know why they changed.

Same situation here, but 54 years old. Have to take it now.

I haven't played Tetris in forever. Forgot the theme song so I had to look it up. This is good. And my son plays in a concert band. Maybe I could request it played live.

Absolutely this!!! My wife thinks so much more of me than I do myself. She is always saying, "so and so just loves you! My friends are all jealous".

I just think wtf are they smoking? Lol.

I am 18 months out from when I had a heart attack. It got me thinking of mortality and funny things I could plan for my funeral. So far I have decided to either have one eye open, or have it look like Im encased in carbonite like Han Solo. I just want one last chance to make family and friends laugh.

I've seen people do that. It's so funny. Just marching and dead asleep. I used to do it standing sometimes. Or leaning against a tree. But the walking/marching always made me laugh to see.