Because you touch yourself at night.

You can literally get them at Dollar Tree. Not sure why people seem to think its some special thing. Its fuckin cheese cloth.

Man he's been looking ROUGH lately. Ol boy has had a lot of miles on him.

I would give you a phone interview. That tells me enough as to whether I bring you in for an in person.

That being said, if I see this resume, among a few others that have more experience, skills, etc? I'm probably gonna skip right over it.

Less is more. Keep it to 1 page.

I actually ate a restaurant in Chicago recently that had them & I had never seen them before. That is impressive since I've been in kitchens since 2005 or so.

They were tasty and now I want them all the time.

As someone who does hiring:

1) less words. Keep it simple: prepared food for customers in a timely fashion, helped manage product, etc. 2)remove the '2004-2011" on the college info. They wont admit it, but it can easily age you, and they might discriminate. Just put the completed year. 3)list ANY other jobs you may have had. If you show up with 1 job listed, Im gonna question your skill set. IDGAF if you just worked at the car wash for the summer- show me you can work steadily under various conditions.

Lets add Philando Castile to the list as well.

He was legally carrying and let the officer know that. He was shot and killed in front of his family.

ACAB. If you have 1 bad officer and 100 'good' officers not holding their coworker have 101 bad officers.


Wonderful guy-great to work with. He even took some pictures of us all dancing & made sure we got them!

I find it pretty interesting the guy who literally has a song called 'Black Chick, White Guy' about him HAVING A CHILD WITH A BLACK WOMAN is now ranting about Black women having children w white guys is such a problem.

Like, sir. You did that. Just bc you have more money than you deserve doesn't make you any less trashy.

'Hey, I've noticed lately that 'xyz' has been happening. We need to make sure that everyone knows 'correct procedure/prep,etc'. Can we make sure that everyone is reminded?'

Frame it as a 'we' situation and it usually goes over better. If it is someone who is your manager/equal management, asking them to help you make sure everyone is aware is a good start.

That way, you aren't pointing fingers at anyone in particular, not stepping on toes. Just making sure everything is being done correctly.

(I frequently managed younger guys, who weren't always keen on listening to what I had to say. This style usually made it easier.)

If that rack came from Amazon & has a shelf on the top....we have matching mug racks.

Zenleaf bc the rewards are pretty solid. And there is almost always a sale going on. My husband has gotten some good doorbuster promos too, on occasion.

Most of them are still in our small hometown, married to girls they dated in high school. We are 'friends' on Facebook but don't actually interact.

The only one who actually apologized to me, moved out of state. Hes married, got a dog & a baby. We do the polite 'your kid is so cute!' Comments from time to time. No animosity towards him.

The other ones? Fuck em. They named their kids dumb names, they all still hang out in the townie bar and got nowhere in life.

Òooooh it looks VERY similar! I'll see about getting a bottle to try! Thank you!!

Had it when I needed a molar pulled.

I was super anxious leading up to the appt, and I was starting to panic a bit when they inserted the needle.

Woke up not long after, sobbing. I don't know why, but I'm assuming it was just a carry over from going under.

Many years ago, Sinful did a color called 'Sharons Heart' that has always been my all time favorite. They (of course) no longer make it & I have one lonely bottle of it, that I rarely use bc I'm going to be devastated when it runs out.

Looks like we got the A Team out for support this morning.

I think the issue is that multiple times a week, the same post is made. No one seems to search the sub prior to posting, so it's repetitive and frankly a little annoying.

Arnold Schwarzenneger.

He has experience. He seems like he would get shit done but also be friendly/relatable. I've enjoyed his speeches/stories he has posted on different topics (hatred/Nazis, discrimination, etc).

Went there for our honeymoon. Just a damn delight.

(Seriously though we did stop for gas & got some bomb fried fish at some random restaurant on the way.)