They might they might not. If you pay they will definitely come back

Looks like this one might be Indian not Nigerian. Don’t act smart is a pretty commonly used Indian phrase

If it’s in the US you can go to the FBI.

That’s sad. Sounds like someone else updated on his account and left the post button turned on.

I picked it up like that at Cabelas. Was perfectly fine inside.

Golden hour is a couple hours later than this

The multiple accidentally forgotten leopard print underwear in my house say it’s open.

Now that I think about it just the kind of person who would write something like this.

Shit I actually know this person.

Palmers Redmond. Don’t ask how I know.

Dehydrate and store in a cupboard for over a year

these are the same fuckers who want to persecute drag queens for "grooming children"

I walked in full cash in hand, knew the exact car I wanted to buy, went in on a Tuesday evening, insurance and everything ready to go.

Took me three hours to get out with the car with the add-ons pitch, etc. If I didn't need the car right away, I would have walked.

Man goes to Disneyland complains stuff is expensive.