I do t think kill order matters, their uniques aren't shared. I beat it with a g7 abilities tier 3 and tier 4 on the alert one

I've played 5, 6, 4, ND, 3, 2 in that order and when I finished playing them I was completely shocked to see that people despised 6 so I went back to it and still loved so you might like it like I did bit you could hate it

We should get him as legacy, then we'd finally have a 5th for mauldalorians that isn't mango so we don't take away from the best conquest character

You made a mistake by telling the people here that you liked 6

I saved my friends because my family was in the room and I knew the other ending

I'd do revan vs qui-gon, if you just disable anakin with fear, drop KAM to 50% re-fear anakin and nuke quigon with death mark then you can go on a killing spree

Darth nihillus, man killed a planet because he was hungry

I've done it with pistols before, aim with a reflex sight just above the nose of the plane and it should land a head shot then you gotta move out of the way

I'm getting to the point in Chromium that I'm put against people with 3 GLs, I only have slkr but that DC is insane

Exclusively, the only non-human the empire recruited was grand admiral thrawn.

Star wars fan here: stormtroopers actually have impeccable aim, greater than the combined average for the UK and US, they were given strict orders to miss but make it seem real as is shown in a new hope so a stormtrooper can place a tracking device to find the rebel base. Most people think their aim is horrendous but that was a trope emphasised by fans and Disney, usually referring to how people believe that they just can't see since luke does say explicitly in a new hope that he can't see when he put on a helmet but they are attuned to each individual trooper that activates when that specific trooper puts on the helmet that allows them to see and enhances their vision, filters harmful particles like dust and other things that in the farcry games won't make much of a difference. They likely have better aim than peggies although their aim is infuriatingly precise.

FIVES OVER REX? Do these people even know clone troopers? Tbh I can't be mad, fives is a legend

Mine is kru he's just Basic: taunt Special 1: stun and taunt Special 3: heal

I love the new nihilus but that DR portait is just amazing he looks like he's straight from the kotor remake trailer

The only ones I have issues with are gunray becoming a hutt and ezra looking like some generic padawan

I use bossk, boba, mando, greef, fennec. When using swarm on the contract, it's just turn 1. Bossk hits, 10. Boba hits twice, 30. Mando hits, 40. Greef hits, 60. Fennec hits, 100. The numbers represent the percentage for the contract

I believe the quote is "the missions, the nightmares, they're finally over" - ct-5555 (I think)

Considering Williams souls literally bound to the suit and is therefore unkillable, its a draw UNLESS he knows the power armour weak spots as shown in the fallout tv series and has something to attach said weak spots