Ulver - Bergtatt
Drudkh - Forgotten Legends, Autumn Aurora, Blood in Our Wells
Burum - Filosofem, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

I'll happily take an Astrix comparison! :)

Interesting, I've never listened to Seven Lions before. Cool track!


Psytrance with choirs. My best piece so far.

Really started using the automation lanes heavily for this track. Realized the power of freezing tracks for saving CPU.

My best track so far. Infected Mushroom-esque arrangement.


Does the track keep your interest throughout? Do you enjoy lowering of the energy in the middle section?

Will return feedback!

Hey. Thanks for taking the time leaving the feedback! Indeed, I think you are right that it is not a super well-defined climax.

If left you some feedback too - you have a great track going!

Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback! I really appreciate it. I deliberately hi-cut the vocals in the beginning to try to keep a bit of energy in the tank for the drop, but I suspect I indeed overdid it. Good catch!

Glad you liked the title, got a chuckle myself when I thought of it:)

I left you some feedback!

You have a really strong idea here! All the important pieces are in place. It would really shine with a more lively mix and a few adjustments.

First, tasty intro, I like the vocal. In the intro I could imagine that some longer reverb tails at the end of each phrase would be really nice. You could sidechain them to the dry signal if you don't want to muddy up the middle of the phrase. But see if it works ofc.

Synth at 0:32 is satisfying. The drums at 0:48 feels a little too stiff due to the hi-hat. I think you can get a lot of mileage just by varying the intensity of the hi-hat hits here to build more groove, rather than having constant velocity. Try it - it makes a huge difference. I enjoy the increased energy at 1:14. I am not completely sure, but I suspect in this section that some simple subtle low-mid instrument that just plays a steady repeating notes or something could give it a bit more forward momentum. Might not work though, so take this with a grain of salt. I love taking away the drums at 1:19, but I think it would be even more satisfying if they came back at 1:23 ish. Don't love that new snare with a strange rhythm at 1:28 personally.

I love the harmonies in the chorus. Great stuff.

If you are only gonna change one thing, get that hi-hat breathing.

Keep up the good work! This will clearly be a great track once the volume gets up and the mix comes alive a bit more.


Thank you for the feedback you provided earlier! I listened to your track and here are some thoughts.

There is a good core idea here! I think it would shine with more variation and sense of direction in terms of the manipulation on the energy. A good rough initial way to get sense of this is too look at the intensity curve of the track. It is pretty flat. From 0:08-2:37 the energy level stays quite constant, and as you get deep into that section you are starting to lack a sense of direction - that the track is heading somewhere. At 2:37 you relax things and let the track breathe a bit, which is indeed a great idea! Personally, I would go even further in this direction, and relax the dynamics of the synths a bit in the first few bars, taking the energy down and then gradually ramping it up again until the drums come back in. A great way to approach the overall energetic direction is this, which I am practicing myself: for every group of 8 bars or so ask the following question: am I here building the energy up, keeping energy constant, or lowering the energy?

Also a couple of technical things. The crash sample is too rough. Find a better sample or at least EQ out some of that harshness. The snare lacks a bit of punch to. I think a bit more bite in the midrange would be great. I personally would go a bit easier on the compression on the main synths, but this is a bit of a taste thing.

Keep up the good work!

My best best of music so far, by a long shot. Psytrance with choirs and organs.


Does the track ever bore you? What part makes you rock your head, if any?

Will return feedback!

Because it does a job you have to do all the time well, and with and pleasing gui/workflow. It’s just quality of life. But TDR nova is great too, and its free. so if money is tight, get that instead.

Audio Imperia Chorus - yes
Heavyocity Damage 2 - yes, although for my usecase it was overkill
Pro Q3 - yes

Recreate a track you like from another artist from scratch. Halfway through that process, your fingers will be itching to deviate and create or own version of the track.

Thank you! The pathway from metal to psytrance appears to be very real:)

Liked Newphoria quite a bit. Tasteful minimalist sounds.


No joke, Jesus might indeed have loved acid. As I also wrote below: some fairly respectable people think the early Eucharist was a psychedelic potion, and that the word ``wine'' in antiquities referred to a class of psychoactive drinks of much wider variety than what we today refer to as wine. Early Eucharists were potential underground psychedelic rituals. For anyone who did a lot of psychedelics, the rapid spread of Christianity early on suddenly feels a bit more easy to imagine. Of course, this theory is contested by others, so think of it what you will. Be apparently Dionysus cults, which likely did psychedelics, were being persecuted a lot by the Romans around those times. Who knows, maybe it was a good time to switch to the new hip psychedelic cult instead. Fun enough, in southern Italy, there was a winery archeological site where they found residues of opium, marijuana and nightshade in the wine. Can't find the citation rn, its some obscure old archeological journal. But I can dig it up if needed.

Some fairly respectable people think the early Eucharist was a psychedelic potion, and that the word ``wine'' in antiquities referred to a class of psychoactive drinks of much wider variety than what we today refer to as wine. Early Eucharists were potential underground psychedelic rituals. For anyone who did a lot of psychedelics, the rapid spread of Christianity early on suddenly feels a bit more easy to imagine. Of course, this theory is contested by others, but I personally wouldn't bet against it.