
"I've been taught to leave 20% based on the subtotal. However, I'm wondering if you factor in discounts.

You don't leave 20%, you leave 0%. The same as I said in my first reply that aggro'd you.

He is literally asking if you factor in discounts when tipping 20%.

No, you don't factor discounts when leaving 20%, because you leave 0% instead. You can factor discounts into that though, if you want.

He is not asking what your opinion is on tipping.

When asking, "what do you do in this scenario?" they are, in fact, asking for an opinion.

We going to keep this going?

Describes or asks?

You're trying to infer things that weren't asked in an attempt to move goalposts. You still haven't provided evidence that shows that I am wrong, except for your own opinion on the matter.

I get that you're for tipping or whatever, but this doesn't help the original poster.

No one said anything about it being specifically a sit down, but here ya go...

Tipping culture out of control

66% have negative view

Obviously, these are just a couple of the many surveys out there, and I don’t trust them any more than I would with any other survey, but it's data.

People want to stop tipping, they just can't deconstruct themselves from societal expectations enough to do so.

Also, still waiting for evidence of the opposite, like I've requested multiple times.

I'm not sure you're point.

That's extremely obvious.

BTW: It’s your, not you're. Your is possesive while you're is a contraction of the words you and are.

He asked if he should tip before or after discounts.

To which I answered that he should do neither. Tips should be based on performance, not percentages. $0 for service, at most $5 for above and beyond.

Based on context, he is obviously asking what is customary.

He didn't ask what is customary, he asked what to do. My answer remains the same.

The answer you gave is what you do, but not what is customary. Hence, you're wrong.

The answer is not what I do, it's what we should do. That in no way proves me wrong. Come back with actual evidence that I'm wrong, instead of your opinion based on terrible reading comprehension.

Do we need to keep doing this? I hope not. It's exhausting repeating the same thing over and over with different words to try to make you understand.

I'm not asking for proof of etiquette, I'm asking for the factual evidence that you're using to say that I'm wrong.

Again, comprehension is not your strong suit, is it?

You keep saying I'm wrong, but can't prove why. Am I wrong, or are your just saying it to be argumentative?

Yes, it's wrong.

Asked for proof, you did not provide.

He was asking about standard tipping etiquette in the US, and what you said is not it.

No, he asked if tips should be based on subtotal. I said no, they should be based on service; in these amounts.

Reading comprehension helps.

Now, I understand there's a small vocal minority that are anti-tipping and, for some reason, have chosen it as their hill to die on. If that's you, then you do you. But deliberately giving false info to push your agenda helps no one.

It's more than a small percentage. It's getting close to half of the population realizing that tipping needs to change. Opinions can't be false, and that's what I gave.

Again, please tell me how I'm wrong? Providing more than speculation would be great.

It's wrong? Based on what fact? Please provide evidence showing that my statement is wrong.

Etiquette means nothing when the system It's paying homage to is fucked.

Tips should never be calculated as a percentage. 0 for service. Maybe a fiver if it's over the top service.

I believe this is a Diablo marker. They were Kingman Spyder knockoffs and have interchangeable parts with a Victor.

Hours of research? I thought y'all bad this information on tap, since you bring it up so often.


Isn’t that the same expression he used when shitting on the White House lawn?

Same issue. Using Android and receiving no notifications. Chat, comments, dms all no notifications.

No no no, you misunderstand. He's eating car air intakes. I'm more curious if he was eating the intake box, tube, air filter or all of it?