I also have a mold allergy (skin test this year and two years ago) alongside grass, weeds and dust. Negative for food allergies. But still getting itchy skin. Even reacted to prednisone which I’ve taken on and off for years with no issues. What test did they do for the mold?

For your food allergies did you react to a skin test, IGE and/or just through oral consumption?

My past reaction was a red wine vinegar from a restaurant for their salad. I got two hives and itching. I had a previous reaction with raspberry vinegar but I’m ruling that out since I was in a room with a flower that caused allergic reactions and I had no itching from consuming only my asthma which reacts to flowers/pollen.

My allergist wants me to try white distilled vinegar to test the vinegar allergy with an oral food challenge. I’m not sure what we will test for the corn allergy - a cob of corn maybe? I don’t have an issue at the moment with rice so I’m assuming rice vinegar would be safe but I’ve just avoided all vinegar as a precaution.

I’ll look into those alternatives. I’ve been super shy about trying foods because I’m worried about reactions. My allergist is hopeful either Xolair will help or my anemia getting better will resolve my issues since that’s the case with some people (I was severely anemic, now I’m moderately).

Yea ive only been having chicken and rice or salmon for the past two weeks. Only issue I can’t cut out is my Zyrtec (name brand or not). Even Claritin and Xyzal has a corn item in their ingredients. So I’m stuck on that front. Compounding is likely expensive I think so I’ll have to see what pharmacy is available and I’m not too happy about that since the risks of the medication being contaminated or bad patches are higher with compounding.


Yea I’ve been thinking corn is the source to this (I get an itchy face when eating corn syrup or nauseous with corn chips that only have three ingredients and i don’t have an issue with the oils used) more and more. Either that or my grass allergy (causes asthma) because we’re still in that season and it all started when grass season began. I haven’t been on a biologic for several months and it’s my first year without one in a while.

This week I tested negative for corn allergy (and other foods I was reacting to) but quickly became positive for grass (and second test was positive for grass, ragweed and one mold so basically environmental things but nothing for food). I felt every prick so I don’t think it was done incorrectly in that regard. I’m going to ask for an IGE to cover my bases and set up food oral challenges for corn and vinegar since those have caused the most reactions. Xolair is suppose to start at the end of the month instead of the beginning. And who knows if I’ll be one of the unfortunates where reactions are concerned. Dupixent is next on the list though and was originally what I was supposed to take before Tezspire came along.

I have the current pleasure of vinegar being one of my worst enemies. And I wouldn’t mind as much if it was just a GI intolerance. It’s in so many things. Fast food and restaurants are a battlefield I often don’t engage in. There were times it tricked me since I didn’t see it in the first few ingredients and then bam! It’s at the near bottom. Or somehow it’s the third item out of three ingredients for a food item. I can’t have any sauces either. My only hope is a coconut based soy sauce. I also don’t do well with color dyes so red 40 etc or artificial flavoring. It’s a pain. I really hoped it’s temporary since I’m reacting to so many foods (oatmeal, breads/wheat?, potato, corn, onions etc) recently in the past month (I’ve narrowed them down to items that cross react or potential react for grass allergies). I can part ways with the food dyes and artificial flavorings but the other stuff makes it so hard to survive especially since I didn’t have food allergies or intolerances before the end of March. I’ve been so miserable the last month and lost 15 pounds in June because I was so scared of what to eat because two weeks ago a food was “safe” and now it’s trying to fight me.

Haven’t thought about spark notes in years. Some helpful moments in high school came from there.

Was your IGE level too low? Mine was. My allergist was able to fight the insurance when they denied me since there is medical documentation that it helps even if someone doesn’t fall into the range. Also because I’ve been having itching with certain foods that I’ve never had an issue before. But I was approved for asthma.

Closes up like anaphylactic or is it a sensation of closing which could be reflux and the feeling can feel similar to that sensation. Some people recommend getting an IGE blood test because that’s where their allergies showed up since it was negative on the skin test.

Doesn’t she lose her tongue also instead of her voice? I watched an old animation years ago that was more closely based on Han’s story.

New Sufferer

It’s concerning you’re not able to get up to a maintenance dose in five years and that you needed an Epi pen. Were you taking an antihistamine at least an hour before these appointments? Unfortunately it appears allergy shots may not be a good option for you.

Since your appointment is next week I would call this week to the office and ask to get premeditated with Benadryl and for them to run the iron infusion slow. That’s usually enough for most people who’ve had a mild reaction like itching to tolerate the infusion. If you react, there are other iron infusion types you can try.

Knew a nurse who bragged about never getting covid and hated wearing a mask. She would joke that she was disappointed whenever her rapid tests came back negative and mocked the protocols for masking up. Once masks and other protocols weren’t required for her workplace, boom she got covid.

Just make sure you get bloodwork to keep track of your vitamin D. It’s fat soluble. While a lot of people are deficient (I’m severely deficient), you don’t want to have excess vitamin D in your body. I believe you’re also suppose to take calcium and magnesium (or better having a magnesium rich diet) to get the best benefit.

I can empathize. I react to vinegar and there’s a potential for onion since that caused itching recently. It’s in so many things even when you would think it shouldn’t there it is. Sometimes it’s at the top of the list or all the way at the bottom. And then I was having itching to other food items (like corn based and the mentioned onions) that didn’t have vinegar in there. So I’ve been “surviving” on chicken and salmon from Whole Foods since it’s cooked and seasoned with just salt/pepper and plain rice and slowly testing other food items. I hit an all time low and even had some baby foods to see if I react to that too. I’m getting a skin test today and hopefully I can get an IGE blood test to confirm.

I recommend maybe getting a crockpot and doing some of the simple recipes that are on YouTube. Food cooks while you do other stuff over a couple of hours so you’re not as focused on cooking and can multitask more. Onion is typically not a feature in these dishes. But I can empathize with how restrictive this allergy is for any desire to go to restaurants, fast food places and/or trying to get premade foods or snacks.

I wouldn’t wait until your appointment. Call ahead of time. It’s concerning they didn’t confirm you had an Epi pen. It’s for you to use if you have a reaction after leaving the office.

We have an outdated system that voted Trump in alongside meddling from other countries who knew Trump would be easy to manipulate. Conservatives ran with a lot of lies about Hilary Clinton and some bitter democrats did the same then whined about the results. Some of them are still upset that Bernie still wasn’t able to beat Hilary but bragged about his suppose ability to beat Trump even though their argument about age also doesn’t help Bernie (but hypocrisy isn’t a new thing to humans).

Exactly. People are acting like there’s no backup. Trump doesn’t even have a VP to run with him. Even on his deathbed, does anyone think Trump won’t try to cause trouble?

Honestly it’s baffling that some people need to be motivated to vote against a potential dictator who will strip everyone but his rich friends of their rights. Trump does not and has not respected women. He will take away things women have fought and even died for because someone flattered him or he wants to get votes. Does anyone honestly think he won’t try to become a dictator and become like North Korea where we are stuck under the thumb of his family? The Supreme Court is coddling him instead of holding him fully accountable like we should expect. They’ve essentially said the president can be above the law or rather Trump can be. It wouldn’t surprise me if a conservative judge or two retires if he’s elected so they can shove a much younger person/persons into the courts and screw over Americans for decades to come. Taking away contraceptives is one of the main goals for conservatives if Trump is elected. They’ve spelled this out physically already.

Biden has a competent team behind him who actually have or want to help Americans meanwhile Trump has a bunch of “yes sir” who either went to jail for him or jumped ship. Imagine if we had another pandemic if Trump was reelected? A lot of people would again needlessly die because he puts optics ahead of science where masks were concerned and then years later he’s doing a back/forth about Covid vaccinations (and taking credit for vaccines when he was openly mocking the medical and science field for months alongside downplaying the severity of covid when he initially expressed a different feeling when he was first made aware of Covid roughly three months before the public was alerted).

William likes the perks of being in the RF and the heir, but not the responsibilities and definitely not about holding himself or others accountable for bad actions (or horrible criminal actions like Andrew and their disgusting decision of having photo op olive branches with a monster but Harry taking control of his own life and wanting to simply have a life with Meghan was an act of war to the RF) instead he prefers to just scapegoat Harry.

James Turner. His seasons Lp is one of my favorites. One episode in particular made me laugh so hard because of a silly bug and a crazy set of chain of reactions also happened in the LP. He’s my go to for his rag to riches challenges (some of his other challenges are really creative too) and he rolls with the punches even if the game cheats him or takes advantages of loopholes lol.

Disney’s little mermaid is very loosely based on Han’s story. However Disney’s Ariel is confirmed to be from the Mediterranean Sea by Disney itself in their facts about Ariel from years ago. Han’s and Disney’s Ariel’s are two different mermaids. Their stories are also vastly different especially their endings.

Hans mermaid potentially may have been Danish because people assume so because of the author’s whereabouts/birthplace but not all stories aren’t limited by that. Disney very loosely took inspiration and changed a lot so it’s different from the source material. Disney also confirmed in their facts about Ariel on YouTube years ago that she’s from the Mediterranean Sea.

Anderson’s mermaid could be from Denmark (and even then there’s some debate regarding how he describes the area). I think many people assume so by default when an author doesn’t specify. Disney confirmed Ariel is from the Mediterranean in a video years ago regarding facts about Ariel.

Recommend getting pre medicated with iv Benadryl. Some people have mild allergic reactions such as itching and the Benadryl can help prevent that. Though iv Benadryl hits me like a train compared to the oral version but I sort of expected that since it’s getting into my body quicker than a pill. There are I believe 6 different iron iv combinations so even if you react to one, you have other choices and for some people premeditating before the infusion works regardless.