Out to the coast on I-84, then back home to SLC through the Cascades. That's the way to do an Oregon trip. Very nice!

I call that "chuzz." Mouth chuzz. And yeah, it's pretty gross. I knew a guy once who had it bad enough that he'd close one half of his lips, poke the closed half with his tongue, then make this gentle sucking sound with the open half to pull in some of the chuzz.

I'm really sorry.

I'd be interested in attending, and I'd be interested in helping to launch and run it if needed.

If he'd ever been there, he'd know why it's on the globe. It IS the globe.

I feel you, my friend. My wife is a northern Ontarian; watching the rapid American-style shift to the right among the 18-45 demographic in ON in the last year or two is crushing her. We've given serious thought to leaving NY and putting down roots in ON, but the way things are going, it's getting scary quickly. I can't even imagine having to sit and watch the UCP run Alberta into the ground. :(

Joe Rogan / Jordan Peterson style idiot conspiracy neoconservatism is rotting both of our countries. Ugh...

That's the only viable explanation for the poll numbers of a guy like Pierre Poilievre. Americanism sometimes leaked across your border. Now it's a flood. :(

Business ownership, or entrepreneurship.

I just left a company a few months back that's run by one of the most bumbling business minds I've ever encountered. The only (and I mean only) reason his business lasted beyond a year or so is because he sucks up hard to his one and only investor, and the investor inexplicably buys his BS.

Even the investor's patience has run out, though: Owner has run things into the ground so consistently and so badly that investor is pulling the plug in about 2 months.

This guy's so "smart" that he even put the word "intelligent" in the name of his business. Not only is dude useless as a businessman and a fraction as smart as he thinks he is, but a perpetual mega-cringe machine, too.

Anyway, point is, a lot of people think this owner is super smart simply because he runs this business. Myth: busted.

I think you've just stumbled into another answer to OP's question: lofty, "smart" jobs! There are innumerable idiots in white-collar positions and geniuses delivering packages.

This is pure, pure gold. Thank you endlessly, friend. My wife is coming into...a considerable amount of CAD in the next year or two, but we live in the States and will want most of that converted. Assuming conversion rates stay fairly steady, you just saved us thousands.

Truly, thank you.

Of course it does. So does every district in every city in this nation. If that's your basis for comparison, your statement is meaningless, at best.

Your continued reference to "East Portland" is the real issue here. That's a gigantic and very diverse swath of a large city.

My water bottle is "reminiscent" (thank you for that, asshole) of Lake Erie because they're both blue and contain water. See? I can make technically correct yet preposterous comparisons, too.

In all the ways that matter, Larkin and "East Portland" have little to nothing in common.

As with so many of your posts: Please just stop.

It appears her mama may have tried using liquor as birth control


Yep, not similar at all.

The only correct thing you've said so far.

Larkin is pretty similar to East Portland.

Man, you really need to not talk when you have no idea what you're saying. I can't think of any similarities between these two, and I know them both very well.

You seriously don't recognize Four Non Blondes when you see them?

Wait, no...I can do better...

Apparently, as long as you're around, the pink isn't gone.

Cool! Let me know, and I'll just leave them outside for you to swing by and pick up at your convenience.

I have both, and you can have 'em. If you want them, DM me and I'll tell you where I am.

Portland's geographic isolation is pretty extreme, and the natives have always been very insulated and bubble-y as a result. I was no exception! Weird and confusing attitudes and beliefs along with serious ignorance and being poorly traveled have always been issues there, for sure. It's par for the course with any sheltered folks, I think.