I always wanted a globe as an elementary school kid. I loved spinning it and just letting my finger land on a random place.

I think I'll buy one.

Almost the exact plan here. Replaced water heater and dryer with electric a few years ago. Next is the furnace which will likely need replaced in 2-3 years.

Much less. Probably started when I was around 40, but overall, here's what my level of caring what others think of me would be:

Coworkers, none Neighbors, none Relatives, none Spouse and children, always care but usually make little or no changes.

Same as today if you are injured by an uninsured driver. It was either too bad or you had to sue them.

Likely though, if they didn't have insurance they also were likely not able to pay any judgment against them.

Check out the bark deterrents on Amazon. You can get a decent one for about $40. I have one and though it's not 100% effective, its better than listening to the neighbor dog for hours.

Sounds way too high. Get 2-3 more quotes and confirm with your county what is actually required.

And I would really question any contractor that wants to do an "unpermitted" repair. The liability would likely be on you.

Yes, they can last much longer than 15 years. I've seen some that are close to 30 with no problems.

But not knowing how old OP's system is, if it was 30 years old it would be quite different than if it was 10 years when considering repair or replacement.

How old is the septic system?

Usually around 15 years is when you will notice problems. If it's more than 15-20 years old, it's probably best to replace than repair

Does your garbage company have a website where you can check your balance?

I had this happen once where I didn't pay for about a year and the company had sent customers an email that we wouldn't get paper statements anymore. Unfortunately, my email address was one I hadn't used in years so I never got the email.

But I went on their website and saw the balance and then paid for it and updated my information.

In the last 30 years, self employed 6, retail 14, healthcare 10.

There are few things here that are not universal at all companies.

How many hours did you work? Actual working hours not including holiday hours.

What is premium pay at your company? If you work a holiday, what exactly is the premium?

When does your pay week start and end? Sunday -saturday?

Some places don't pay any premium for working a holiday. Mostly retail, it's just another day at your regular rate. If you were full time you would also see 8 hours holiday pay on your check.

For example, you could easily work 40 hours plus have 8 hours holiday pay in the same week with no overtime. You work 8 hours on Memorial day and then four more days 8 hours each day. You would have 40 regular rate hours for the week plus 8 hours holiday pay at your regular rate but no overtime.

I just can't think of a way you could work 53.5 hours without any overtime. Something is not right.

Nostalgia is an evil liar that makes you believe the past was actually better than it was.

He got songwriting credits up to the 1984 album. But in order to continue in the band he had to agree to no songwriting credits going forward AND give up his songwriting credits for all of the past albums.

So basically he was paid a salary as a bass player after the 1984 album. Now, he was still well paid but certainly not making the amount he was. And of course Alex continued to get songwriting credits simply because, well, you know why.

This will likely get complicated for OP, but in some states, you must actually pay for the bad workmanship and then sue to get your money back.

So if OP doesn't pay, the contractor would put a lien on the property to get paid.

My brother had a deck built in Ohio probably 10 years ago. Really bad job and wasn't going to pay. After getting with a lawyer, the best way to proceed was to pay the contractor and then sue for cost plus damages. And damages can be lost wages from missing work, distress, pretty much anything you can sue for. My brother wound up getting almost double back in the settlement and used that to get a new contractor to build it right.

I shop around every other year but always go to my current agent if I get a better quote. My rates are really good to begin with and only once or twice have I got a quote from a competitor for a lower price.

They always match it and sometimes do better so I haven't switched in about 15 years.

My crushes on Charlies Angels would of been,

  1. Jaclyn Smith.

  2. Kate Jackson.

  3. Farrah Fawcett.

  4. Bosley.

That Michael Anthony wasn't a contributing member of the band.

Let me tell you about two retail giants who died an untimely death. Grants and Zodys.

If you see an open field, it doesn't mean you can hunt on it or drive your off road vehicle there.

My dad owns 60 acres of mostly woods next to his house. Occasionally has a few cows during the summer to keep the pasture looking good.

At least once a year some city folks park on the side of the road and unload their motorcycles or side by side and just start driving around. Also happens during hunting season. People see an open field and automatically think it must be public or state land and free to use.

Probably buy it but I would want to know why the owner wants to sell. Is it land that has access for future homes and could be easily developed and ruin your privacy?

If $40,000 seems like a fair price for your area, go ahead and purchase it just for the piece of mind.

My sister is a realtor and she says the biggest mistake homeowners make are expensive kitchen makeovers. Kitchens are intended for the user, not a future buyer. You might like high end countertops, appliances and cabinets but your potential buyer may not. Buyers aren't going to help you recoup any of that $25,000 investment you could have completed for under $10,000.

I got ghosted by an old college friend after we hadn't seen each other in almost 20 years. We were pretty tight in college and slowly drifted apart. Male and female but no sex just good friends.

Almost 20 years later we meet up an alumni gathering at a sporting event. Neither of us were married. Find out we only live about 30 minutes apart. For about 2 years we randomly meet for lunch, went to a few baseball games etc and text or call almost daily.

And then the slow fade began till it was complete silence. Phone calls and texts became once a week and then once a month. The last message was something like "I'm really busy right now but will call you when I can".

My guess is they may have been in a relationship and didn't want to jeopardize that. But to not give any explanation seemed strange. And we were both in our 40's at the time, but yes getting ghosted does suck.