If you want to run away and not answer my original question that's all on you.

You just strawmanned me and me because I never said that a female lead was a message. Again this is what you guys do you get called out and then you deflect.

Op said there was no message and what does not overly mean? You guys really need to stop moving the goal posts. There's no message here oh wait there is a message but it's not overly so. Woke is actually bad unless the movie does really well financially then it's good because if I call this movie that everybody likes woke I'm going to look like an idiot.

You mean like having the double standard that a woke movie isn't woke when it's successful?

Like how you guys will say a woke movie isn't woke when it does well?

We literally have no idea about the relationships in this vid. For all we know that boy is an abusive piece of shit and the daughter is a dumb fuck that stays with him.

Why don't these pieces of shit just off themselves without hurting others first?

Oh you like to have sex? I guess it's ok to sexually assault you then.

Why do these first amendment absolutists never say the n-word publicly?

It's called naval diplomacy now and it's not the same scent.

You mean the lifestyle of cheating on your wife and talking to underage girls?

You're right a minor would never lie. Your defenses of this piece of shit are absolutely disgusting.

So you don't check to make sure somebody's of age before messaging them inappropriately? Are you retarded?