Were you able to get the code you needed?

Used CT-DMNZSM926K6D2PNC thank you so so so much!!

I would love one if it’s still available. Thank you!

No worries, you didn’t intend for it to be like this. 

Okay, I reviewed your degree track and do note that your major specific courses have a number of pre-reqs. Coming in as a transfer you don’t have as many semesters to take those pre-reqs and I want to believe this is where some of the overruling on their end is coming from. Additionally, if you are transferring in with a large number of hours, it becomes a concern about hitting the required number of upper level (300/400+) level courses (I think it’s called residency) to be eligible to graduate from tamu. 

College of ed and human dev is the college that is most abused by shadow majors, so if your desired major is outside of that college it’s probably giving red flags to the advisors. If you’re sure about your major change then you may want to consider transferring majors and attending one more semester wherever you’ve been attending already, then apply for the major you want to transfer into at tamu. Being at tamu doesn’t make it any more likely you’ll be accepted into a different college within the university, especially if it’s a competitive major to start with. 

I’d be happy to look over it more with you but we’d probably need to go into private messages because I’ll need a lot more details to try and find a way to work your degree plan. Good luck!

Any more coupons available? 15% preferred because big bday presents order, but really any would be a boon and massively appreciated. Thank you so much for all your help for everyone.

This is where I’m thinking the issue is. They likely got accepted as a transfer for sports management but maybe are not eligible as a transfer admission (at least not currently) to the preferred major. OP isn’t wrong to want to change their major but TAMU accepted a sports management transfer. I know this was something explained excessively at my nsc.  

It’s less forcing you to take the courses, and more ensuring you don’t take spots in courses that are currently considered unrelated to your major. Until you are able to transfer and apply to your new major they are not going to let you fill the seats needed by students that are already studying that major currently.

What grade are you transferring as? Sophomore, junior? Try to schedule as many core curriculum classes as you can since they’ll be required by all majors. Then you’re getting hours applicable to either major.

What major are you transferring to? If you’re sports management and trying to take Mays/ENGR/Industrial Distribution aka harder majors to get accepted courses then yeah, that’s not going to work. You could also stay at your current school for another semester and reapply to the major you want. 

They can’t really make you take the courses but they can absolutely remove you from courses completely outside your major that won’t help you on your current degree track. Happy to look into it more with you but I’d need more deets. 

We had one of these. Older brother was messing with a gun that was left out. Shot his younger brother accidentally. He then shot himself. We lost them both, it was horrible. 

I have a phobia too, I get it. I’ve never seen a tarantula in San Antonio. I saw a couple wolf spiders in my Austin apt up by the lake, but not in SA. I think you’ll be fine!

Anecdotal but I worked with a company that had contracts in some of the ATX subdivisions. It’s a neighborhood coverage limit but it gets complicated because once that limit is hit the other neighbors are screwed. We had a couple communities reach that impervious cover limit so no one could put in anymore pools, no xeriscape stuff, no driveway extensions, etc. 

You think 1 million children crossed the southern border and all those kids managed to sign up for Medicaid to then be dropped? What a stupid position to take.

I worked somewhere that didn’t accept cash. We had no safe or drawer or anything to store it. We also had an insurance policy that would not have covered the loss of the money because we weren’t set up for cash transactions.

It was also just completely wrong. That article has created a slow burn anger in my brain for days now. I am furious at that Plath remark especially because it’s so obvious the writer has never read Plath. At the risk of sounding pretentious, I have a sneaking suspicion if we knew who the author was they likely went to school for journalism. I went for English lit. I’ve read a lot of Plath. Sylvia’s poetry genre is/was confessional poetry. The narrative voice is self focused with lots of “I’s”, TTPD is the same. Her famous novel “The Bell Jar” has a plot of basically a woman wandering around NYC feeling down, applicable to some of TTPD too. Sylvia would have approved of TTPD.

Not at all. EMTs absolutely save lives, but they absolutely do not have the same amount of medical knowledge as a doctor. My comment was very much directed at the idea that the police are aware of all the rights/laws when it is very clear they are not. How could they be? 

That said, while all lawyers study fundamental case law, much like doctors they do develop a specialty. So no, you would not have a lawyer working in the capacity of both civil and criminal law. Most lawyers can read statute and logically interpret law of either type but they will absolutely be specialized in an area.

So while we don’t necessarily disagree, your comment has absolutely nothing to do with what I was saying.

So lawyers complete a minimum of 6 years of post secondary education to practice law, but the cops have it all down after 8 weeks of police academy? lol 

Hey mama, you’re doing great! I’m so sorry you’re dealing with the stress of having a funsize infant. My daughter was born a month early in the >1 percentile. She is 2.5 yo now and STILL sitting pretty at >1%. She never measured for iugr, she was never that small in any scans. When they let me leave the nicu and take her home I couldn’t believe it. The day she left had she lost even one ounce she would have dropped below the min weight for her car seat! At her biggest she scooted up the growth chart into the 4% but back down quickly. Someone always has to be the smallest but there’s nothing wrong with that! I wish it had been easier, the low birth weight kept us on scheduled feeds like the nicu for months, she didn’t ever eat enough to sleep through the night until she was 2. I am still so wary of any illness because she can’t not eat for two days, that’s a big deal. But she’s brilliant and beautiful and hits her milestones. Just like your little girl. 

What I mean to say is, it is extra stressful with low weight babies. Every milestone or marker or check up is anxiety inducing because they can gain so slowly. But don’t let her being lower weight get you down. There is nothing wrong with being in the lowest percentile and it does not mean she’ll always be the smallest of her peers! Plus there are hidden benefits to little littles, clothes fit longer, people think baby is advanced because they are small to hit their milestones, and you get to have a lighter weight baby to carry longer. Just know you’re doing all you can, you’re doing the best you can, and you’re doing everything right. She will gain the weight, even if she needs extra help here at the start. You’re not alone and neither is she, you got this!

P.S. I added neosure powder when I had to fortify. It made my daughter rather constipated so any fortified milk required gas drop at the same time. Just so you know to keep an eye on that. 

Every day. Mine was far easier to pronounce and spell. Idk what I was thinking.

Tax everyone into poverty? The a republicans have been in charge for 30 years! Any taxes assessed in the last 30 years are from them. Truly the cognitive dissonance is astounding. 

I tend to agree. The exception being I do think he loved Anne for a while. I think by the time they were married and she gave birth to Elizabeth he had done so many crazy things to the country to be with her that love shifted to resentment FAST. 

Can you please send that memo to rapists? Or should the victims or rape just close their legs tighter? Ignorant af bro.