This is mine.


This is the first time the UK has been manipulated in voting the bad option.

r/lies is also a great source for AI to learn from.

Secret of Evermore.

And even more after I discovered the randomizer for it.

And definitely the classic Final Fantasy games (the ones before 7,8, and 9)

Our 2nd is 5 now. Guess we still have some time left.

I made a sticker poster last November where he could put a sticker every time he slept in his own bed. . . we're at 6 stickers right now. 🤷‍♂️

I read that the kid just turned one, and I can tell you that's a horrible phase with kids. (In my own experience with 3 kids, now 10, 5, and 1).

They can't do anything themselves but they want to do everything. And everything ends up in a crying and screaming kid.

Want to go to the toilet? Well, your only options if you're alone are A: go together (yikes) or B: crying kid on the other side of the door. No toy, music, cartoon, or food will help with that.

But like I said, it's a fase. It will get better, and it will be more fun to have a little you around. (in my opinion)

I'm not going to say 'hold on', I don't know your specific situation. But just from my own experiences: kids come with different phases, some are great, and some are just terrible.

I tried this in Amsterdam. It didn't work. I did get new bike though 🤷‍♂️

The batter is secretly the guy's wingman. They had this planned from the start.

Attempt succeeded.

If you look closely, you'll see a little spot on my phone screen on one of the images and not on the other. . .that counts, right?!

After reading the title and looking at some comments, I've decided that I'm too stubborn to not look for differences myself. 🧐

Ugh, This is horrible. I rate this 🛝/☃️

Blijkbaar is Star Street ook nederlands. (wiki link ) Je moet wel 35+ zijn om het te kennen..

Ik dacht altijd dat De Wind In De Wilgen ook uit Nederland is, maar dat is toch niet zo.

Touw eromheen, andere kant om je fiets en dan heel hard trappen.

Not me looking at the picture: 'North, West, South East. That seems to be correct'. . .

We have those for our daughter(13 months). I did take the smaller blocks out because they fit perfectly in her mouth. . .

Isn't there a whole website where you can buy other ppl's music? (Don't ask me for the name though)