update me !! i also applied like a day ago as well & im 21

talk to her on a deep level let her express how she truly feels about you from experience i never got love from either my parents so i went online and was looking for love n talking to people way older than me she probably feels away about her dad? idk if he’s in her life or not but definitely talk to her

eh he shouldn’t even return her negative energy he should just ends things before it gets worse

i definitely agree it just seems she wanted to be the victim in this situation

right and he expressed how he felt and she’s still calling him that being sarcastic

ew she’s weird she’s not even communicating or even validating / reassuring your feelings she seems really immature just leave her

but why have a whole collection? like it’s inconsiderate towards his girlfriend

BREAK UP!!! that’s so disrespectful towards you especially since you acknowledge how you felt about it

this happened last year and one day I just unintentionally did it so i fell asleep while watching a movie & next thing I know i’m underground it’s red and a whole lot of people in a group like standing together (Ex: those line ups they do in the military) and it was 2 idk what the hell they were but they were naked LONG RED a man and woman long tail pointy like this ↙️ and they had long tongues just starring at each other and i got scared and woke up and i ended up getting sleep paralysis

it’ll tell you that you been blocked by the creator if you’re in the live but it’ll say “account not found “ if they blocked u