You girl has pop up ears! She looks very dignified.

. My girl got the flopsy mopsy ears of a sharpei ( pei/mal/husky)

She's also a big flirt with male dogs ☺️

These people know how to mask and manipulate. Unfortunately.

You are doing a great job!

It is a shame your ex doesn't do some self reflection. But, I know some people just refuse to better themselves. My mother did the same as your ex - blamed everyone else, caused trouble ( for a LOT of people, who reached out to me to vent 😐)

Im glad the cops saw thru your wife's BS!

Thanks for the correction. It is a very tragic story.

Summer is a stark contrast to Colby. It is interesting how he has been advocating for his siblings.

Lori's close family are nearly as dysfunctional as the Daybell kids.

Summer stating her sister was good once is deluded. In her cousin's interview, young Lori thought it was funny that her date deliberately ran over a cat with his car.

Charles Vallow tried to alret the police about Lori, but in the end he looked like the one who was unhinged because Lori was good at masking her true self.

Please fight for your children. Lots of cunning women use their gender to their advantage. The best parent is not always the "mother"!! My mother constantly cried the victim , when she was actually the perpetrator.

I think her first husband wanted her to have some access. Because he is a good father and want his kids to have time with their mother.

If I was him, I would fight tooth and nail for 100% custody.

I worry it would result in a situation like the Joshua Powell murder suicide ( killed his kids then himself), after murdering his wife 3yrs prior. This occured in Utah. CPS gave Joshua visitation rights when common sense should have prevailed!

I think Chad now sees himself as a matyr. I read a book by one of the Manson women. She was one of the group that realised what they had done. There is one that still is drinking the cool aide. She even has ( or had) a website full of a new ageish version of Manson's teachings. I think Chad is like the latter. There must be some underlying mental issue in that man that was never addressed. I think it was masked by his " introverted" personality.


There is a large amt of cognitive dissonance ( google Leon Festinger, he coined the theory) happeining with those kids, along with cult programming and for maybe one of them - fear of the group by admitting they knew dad did it.

If they went to the sentencing, grandma's funeral, spoke to the wider family - the dissonance would narrow and cause mental anguish ( or nervous breakdown).

This is my theory from my basic understanding of psychology. Happy for anyone's opinion.

It is hard for a lot if us to wrap our heads around their actions/behaviour if we never lived with a co-ersive parent or in a cult.

You never plan to join a cult and most cults never start that way. They are very insidious.

I had a very (awful) mother , who i saw as a young teen - try to poison my father ( she went to his residence when he wasn't there and put some crystal stuff in his sugar) . I was too afraid to stop her at 14 . That memory was locked till I became a parent decades later ( estranged from her) .

The brain is such a complex organ.

I hope one day the daybell children will be able to seek help in deprogramming their brains. Cult deprogramming is very specialised. Just therapy will not be enough.

I hope he is watched like a hawk. Dying is too good for him.

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

No she didn't!

She is wearing the Lori Cox Vallow Daybell style " Morkini" ( mormon bikini) under her garments.


A picture of the chikd killer in all her glory.

I've been watching the trial of her 5th husband & co- conspiritor ( he is now on death row) She will be on trial in Arizona, for the murder of husband#4.

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

Ohh, i read yr post wrong.

Your hypothetical is a good one, anyway.

Perhaps Rachel can explain that away in her next podcast. Pull yourself up from your c section stitches girls and downward dog it back to work ( to pay off your medical bills)

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

I think she is acting. The melodramatic posts get her attention so she can shill more.

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

Oh, i didn't pick that up!

Am I looking into the pics too much?

The two of them knee deep in water, gives me religous symbolism vibes - such as baptism.

A think Chad will be on death watch. I think he will commit suicide because it's a way that he can keep control. I know suicide is an unacceptable way to die in many religions but i think he wants to have the last "word"

Prison isn’t the gang rape paradise Reddit thinks it is.

That may be true. partner was telling me of the "Brother" in his old high school who molested boys in that school ( approx 35yrs ago). He was jailed later in his life and was in jail when my partner went to a school reunion and was told this...

The warden ( ex student i think) turned a blind eye when other inmates were beating the pedo up. Im not sure in the US things are different, but in Auatralia ppl who harm kids are not protected from harm even by jail staff.

These children were raised by a mum and dad who were quite fundi. Esp the father. Kid's brains are quite "plastic", unfortunately he moulded their minds to the point that he was the law. The man was a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Imagine one one if his kids daring to question or defy him. They would be shunned by their only support network ( their family). It takes a unique and brave person to stand up. Look at Nazi Germany - one man manipulated a whole nation.

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

AMEN and

Praise Jeebus.

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

Self - Help should be renamed "Help some more"

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

Somebody should send Rachel these stats.

Taken from WHO


When I gave birth, I had an emergency cesearean. My health insurance paid for it, i was lucky it was an employer fund who waived the wait period. This was 14 yrs ago, things may have changed.

I gave birth in apublic hospital. My room was FREE.

Edited to add: even the "lazy French" have better health care

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

Just been watching old Supernanny shows.

Perhaps there should be a Heidi Powell & supernanny collab.

Where Jo Frost tells Heidi to stop patentifyi g her kids and stop replacing the " man of the house" with her son.

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

These podcasts would be successful if they were parodies of shallow influencers who talk a lot about nothing.

The reviews would be full of " wow they do such a good job of satire!!"

Bitch, Lick Your Face #TeamJeffrey

The blonde hair on her son's head is a bit unsettling, when paired in a photo withhis blonde mother. Gives me very "The Family" cult vibes , the leader was an attractive blonde lady called Anne Hamilton Byrne. Unfortunately she was never held accountable for her actions (she was buddies with some politicians etc). This is what happens when we don't see beyond the superficial.

with educational degrees

They most probably went to LDS backed institutions for their education.

BYU was created as a way of slowing down the vendors of desegregation by discriminating against black people.

These institutions are set up to uphold their "faith" not chalkenge it.