Combo Player

The way some people on this sub talk about Lab they probably think Branded is a stun deck too because some people run puppet.

Nah, it's more when the game is no longer getting content updates or DLCs. Then after around a year they remove it.

Combo Player

Exactly. Longyuan as example stayed hit a year for no real reason, sure White Dragon was banned but the point still stands, is too soon.

Buddy, you are aware that Yoshi has flash (fastest move in the game) a parry and the spins right (better than SS) ? Asuka also has 4 different parries, 3 that if done coorrectly give launch punishers.

Combo Player

There is lvl 6 White Aura Porpoise, but it's very situational and mostly at 1 too.

I haven't tried the new shark support yet, sounds interesting. Do you have a decklist so i can try it out ?

Combo Player

Not only that but the rest of the fish synchro too. That being said I don't think the lines change that much, at least for pure Ghotti, both are usually run a 1 of each right ? Sardine support is the one that improves the lines imo.

Combo Player

Where is my Fish synchro support Konami ? Goddman bruh, at least just give me the rest of Ghotti support.

Brother I main Yoshi and Asuka, I parry and flash constantly, my defense is 96. People claiming that certain characters are doomed to have low defense due to their tools are delusional.

I'm sorry, but this Seems like major cope.

Not really, Alicia Trece DP NT056

This extension is a blessing and a curse. It's great that you see when a game you eant hits a historical low, but it also sucks when you see a game you want got a deep sale a year ago and never went past 50% again. I feel like that about Alien Isolation every time it goes into sale.

Combo Player

Why would you dismantle ? The deck need like multiple severe hits to even become bad, that's not even counting fiendsmith comming too, I doubt the deck will get that many hits in the upcoming banlists. and if you're want to dismantle you should wait for it to get hit so you can get the refund.

Combo Player

Bruh I can't stand Horus anymore. The worst thing is, is usually Horus stun. I seen people running Vanity Fiend and Majesty Fiend with Royal decree, so you can't imperm them. So unless you're have a a monster destruction spell hood luck outing them.

Combo Player

Here. II'm still fiddling around with Renaud and Oliver ratios, altough they aren't 1 card combos they great extenders, if Uppercut get's ashed or Isolde get's impermed on 2 effect, I would highly recomend at least 2 of each but you can cut Oliver to 1 most likely.

Ideal 1 card combo starters are One for one and Diabelster, they let you go into Isolde whitout normal summoning and since Snake Eyes is so prevelant people will most likley handtrap you there, and that's where Battlin' Boxer Uppercutter come in, because he is also a one card combo and a great extender if they somehow didn't handtrap you before and waited for Isolde (Highly unlikley).

If you didn't get handtraped at all, your endboard should be around 2 1 link Charles, Gearfried/Barone (Or both), Prometean on gy, Angelica, Angelica ring and Oliver/Ogier/Maugis as an equip. Tbh it's highly depended on your starting hand since the combo lines can be very complex.

Combo Player

This, using a small snake eyes engine in Infernoble now I have multiple one card combos and I can make Isolde without ever normal summoning in the first place. The deck lines became so flexible that is quite hard to really stop it, I have been able to finish on a Gearfried, 1 Link Charles, Promethean on graveyard and Angelica ring while being handtraped 3 times.

The deck became so much fun that is the one I only played on DC cup

Nevermind the wall, you SS and launch someone ? You have to do the most basic combo ever and hope that it dosen't drop. I swear it wasn't as bad in T7 holy shit. It's so infuriating tbh, because you have characters on the rooster that no matter how they launch you their combo auto aligns

What's funny that people say Yoshi dmg now is good and the he didn't need buffs I'm like bro, it's all just minor things. He is kinda like AK now that also had "good combo dmg" but only from Dark upper.

Op never mentioned how they knew that and they never said that it was listed in their profile, so that's an assumption on your part.

The link you provided is to change Store region (Incorrectly by the way), it has NOTHING to do with Steam profile. So even if OP was refering to it you postiing that still makes no sense at all. So yeah your reply still is "DUMB AF".

Whats your point ? Beecause if it was to prove how "easy" it is to switch regions on Steam, this was a terrible choice.

Combo Player

This, same goes for Bookmarks too. Anyone defending this as a "server host issue" has no idea what they're talking about.

Combo Player

But Fenrir was the one that got hit first. Due to how splashable and how powerful he was by itself. Sure she's not the same as he was, but she is extremely powerful on her own right, I don't see them hitting anything else besides her to hurt SE consistency.

Oh and I never meant she is going to be banned, but at very list semi I think she will be.

Combo Player

Oh I don't think they will ban her, but I very much doubt she will remain at 3 in the next upcoming banlist.

Combo Player

Honestly, I think Diablester will br the one getting hit. She is splashable in any deck that run lvl1s and she It's never a brick on the hand. She is just does much for how generic she is tbh.

Combo Player

Anyone that "sunk hundreds of dollars" and haven't managed to built the deck they want have terrible management of their resources.

I have +30 decks, from random "cheap" decks to fully built UR sinks like Branded and I never spent a dime in this game and still have 600+UR dust and plenty of random UR cards just in case I want to use them.

Combo Player

Thankz for the in-depth explation. By the way I haven't seen much H.A.M.P is it not very useful ?