I’m glad you’re out of that nightmare and I hope things only get better and better for you. 🫂

You guys run a family business? That’s interesting to have that reaction from the business side, I have it from the fucked up family side lol.

Imagine if Armand got some therapy. I kept thinking that over and over while watching this season.

Such a complex and interesting character. So deceitful and fearful and weak despite his immense power. Tragic indeed.

What did you guys do as day jobs or daily activities?


The acting is outstanding. All the accents and different time frames, ghosts and characters seen from different characters’ POVs. Ugh! And the writing — such a profound exploration of trauma and toxic relationships. I love it.

I really hope it gets the recognition it deserves.

This episode & scene are hilarious but unfortunately I feel like shitty men have really latched onto a joke about coercion. It’s like “just the tip.”

It’s not “look at me” it’s shining and being expressive, and so people look regardless!

What your friends say in a group where there’s an expected answer (in this case “no”) is not necessarily what they think or how they behave. Just worth keeping in mind.

This is a fantastic comment. OP please read this and heed the warnings.

And she has knowledge of his two jobs and incomes, hopefully of all bank accounts. Unless she signed a prenup she should get a decent amount but should still try to find a good source of income for herself, as the divorce may take a long time to be finalized.

This!! Plus I’m pretty sure I’m autistic, so I don’t emote “normally” and would seem pretty robotic.

Woman 20-30

What kind of words regularly appear in their speech?

Woman 20-30

Pls post the video link if you remember which it was.