I dunno, did I? I prefer baking over cooking. And putting food in my crock pot. I'm better at cooking than my mom, because I make more food from scratch and use very few canned goods. Also, mom wasn't as adventurous in the kitchen as I am. I'm willing to make Martha Stewart's pan roasted vegetables, whereas my mom probably wouldn't have.

Walgreens has rarely ever said the names of my prescriptions when I've been in the store. I always tell them what I'm there to pick up.

She doesn't look chonky. Are you sure she's okay?

You sound like me. I'm disabled, living alone, have a lot of health problems and financial problems. I just started a part time job for extra cash by helping my autistic neighbor. It's just a couple hours a day, but it's all I can handle right now. My oldest sister thinks she can advise me on my financial situation. Good luck. My mom raised me as a single parent. I've never relied on a man. I have my oldest nephew who likes to help. Other than the few relatives that I have left and my neighbors in my building, I don't know anyone and I don't go out much. I can't really imagine relying on someone that I've just met. I wouldn't know how to go about meeting people. People either love me or they're kinda hostile towards me. I think it's my looks.

My mom put Watkins potato salad seasoning in hers. It's ground mustard, garlic powder, onion powder and Celery salt. Oh, and she used that tangy zip of Miracle Whip. (In addition to the hard boiled eggs and chopped onion)

I'm old and I don't drive. I was kicked out of drivers ed class for speeding. I'm not sure if my reflexes are bad, or something, but I'm not able to tell how fast I'm going and I'm not able to look at the speedometer in a short enough time that I take my eyes off the road and maybe cause an accident. I also have severe anxiety. About 10 years ago my sister, my nephew and a driving instructor tried to teach me to drive. I just suck at it. So I'm no longer trying. But hey, keep trying , but I'm not sure where you can go to get evaluated for that issue.

I would be concerned about your blood sugar. I'm not sure what else it could be if you're genuinely thirsty. Mostly medications give me a dry mouth, but im not dying of thirst from it. I'd get your blood sugar checked if I were you.

I live in a small condo building in a high density suburb. I have a ground level unit. I'm glad I chose this place, because I'm disabled and we don't have an elevator. Keep looking for a small condo.

Old gal here, in menopause, I have sweating spells, so I need to shower often. I shoot for a daily shower, but sometimes I will skip a day. Not everyone is going to need a daily shower, as it can dry out your skin. It also depends on if you're married or have a partner, as they might not want your funky ass in their bed without a shower.

I had a cat that liked watermelon, cantaloupe and peas. She absolutely loved bacon.

Some people say our food is crap because it's GMO, some say it's because of all the additives in food. I can't really say, but I know back in the 1970s I ate less processed food. Ate a lot of sugar though! Plus, packaged food has preservatives in it.

I asked my counselor about this, and her response was to avoid them. I had to deal with a gaslighting narcissist relative.

Back in the 1970s, I was a kid and we were poor. Mom wanted to pass out candy, so she would buy 3 bags of these kisses every year. I didn't know why she bought them, but apparently they were dirt cheap. When I was teenager I started using my own money to buy fun sized Snickers and Milky Ways, and did that for many years. It wasn't until recently that I learned that kids hated them in their Trick or Treat bags.

Making some things from scratch aren't always worth the time and expense. Some food has like 15 ingredients from scratch, when you can just buy a jar of sauce for $2.50. Trader Joe's has the wonderful pasta sauce in the fall called Autumnal Harvest Sauce. It has pumpkin, squash and pureed carrots in it. Am I going to try to make it from scratch? Nope! I'll just wait until it's available in a few months.