No kidding, she opened up the barrel of monkeys, I want details now.

They also said they built and owned the pyramids, built the mounds in the U.S., and come from an ancient tribe of people named Tartarians.

I get into arguments with them on TikTok because they claim they’re the true Indians and the Native Americans came from Siberia and Eurasia.

Everyone but the father of my children wished me happy Mother’s Day. I made sure to cook some Spaghetti for my mom and washed her dishes. My daughter gifted me a bag of my favorite candy. My son came and told me happy Mother’s Day as soon as he woke up this morning.

She got rejected by Childish Gambino’s character too when she said something to him that he didn’t like and she wanted to still have sex but he didn’t want to.

What a waste of a slab of wood

Is this around the episode where Matt went to a tattoo shop and asked if his Twitter handle could be covered that he had tatted?

I cried when Frank told the home invader he wasn’t leaving; also when Jeevan went to look for Kirsten at the cabin and she wasn’t there then Frank’s apparition told Jeevan she’d find someone bc she always does. 😭and Frank hugs him.

What about Daniel? Making Issa feel like a failure bc his music producing career wasn’t taking off.

He’s a sweetheart, it’s too bad he chose wrong and got his heart stomped on.

Little baggage: I’m lazy Medium baggage: I’d rather be home than go out. Big baggage: I spend too much on material things.

Sorry I was looking at the Hawaiian shirt guy who has just one hand out.

:Jon_Snow: Jon Snow

Nope bc he shouldn’t have went against his Bannermen the Tyrell’s.

Nope and he only loves the idea of Cassie, the dream life he thought of when he “fell in love with her”. If he did he wouldn’t have hidden their love or treat her wrong in school.

Who accidentally puts their iPad in a hot oven? Mrcalmcarrot’s mom is who.

I’m starting it for myself now, good luck and remember to keep believing in yourself when it gets tough. You’re on your way to becoming unrecognizable. I decided to finally go for it and stop vaping, no soft drinks and no unhealthy habits like slot gambling and couch surfing. Hopefully it attracts more abundance in my life.

The indigenous people used to be very healthy with a daily diet of protein and wild fruit before the US Government stripped them of their ways and put them in boarding schools and introduced them to processed foods like bread.

Not today I didn’t, on other days I just wake up at that time.