As someone who has had to move several of them in and out of houses over the years, fold out couches are already heavy and annoying to move, a fold out bunk bed couch sounds like it's going to be heavier.

No it wouldn't they don't care that they're hypocritical. Hell the average voter has the most incomprehensible borderline incoherent beliefs ever if you actually sit down and talk with people. Don't expect consistency in beliefs and values with people because you're just not really going to get it.

I can't tell if you're a serious person or not. You can't be this dense. You do realize there are BILLIONS of WILD birds out there just in the US alone right? You can't control the wild bird population and stop them from doing shit.

Wild birds travel, like a lot, so sure "keep them in their coops" and then some sick wild bird shows up and infects your own flock. Sorry but you'd have to be a moron if you think bird flu is being spread from one persons livestock animals to another persons livestock animals. No it goes from wild animals, to livestock animals, to wild animals again and it repeats (or it starts with livestock and transmits to wild.)

Also stop pretending like you believe animal lives are equal to a person's, you don't nobody actually does. It's easy to be edgy or whatever online and say "Oh yeah I hate people I'd save a puppy over a random stranger." But in reality no you wouldn't nobody would, they just say that because its "cool" to hate people. I love my pets, my pets are my family, unfortunately if I had to choose between saving my pets and saving another human well, sometimes you have to make difficult decisions and just know that you gave them the best possible life you could.

The thread is literally about Microsoft. It's not weird that they bring up Microsoft.

He's literally the Republican nominee for President. What you are asking is impossible.

Mate its a video game it's not that deep. They just want to be able to sell skins and uglier characters just don't sell shit as well and aren't that popular. Even for the male characters this is typically the case.

Assuming you don't damage it or steal it (or the vehicle,) no cop or judge is going to care about this. It would be hard to call it vandalism as that implies destruction or damaging the property. Sure they can sue you, you can sue someone for anything, they're not going to get anything out of it though since there are no damages.

But you still probably shouldn't do it, anyone who leaves their hitch on is an insufferable asshole and if they see you you're going to get into a shouting match almost always. If its blocking a sidewalk call the police because sidewalk accessibility is covered under the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act.

More like criminally underfunded healthcare system (including mental healthcare like therapy and shit) and easy access to firearms. Lack of education doesn't do this, it doesn't take a college degree to know "shooting 50 people because you're angry at the world isn't good." Parenting could be a factor, and a lot of parents enable bad behavior, but the two issues I pointed out are far larger contributors to stuff like this.

Too many people really need help and care and can't afford it or don't get it because of negative connotations associated with it (though I haven't looked in to the Christchurch shooter at all so maybe they're just a psycho who lacks empathy.) But for some reason guns are incredibly accessible and affordable to everyone even though its not really something people "need" for the most part like healthcare.

I'm not necessarily unafraid of dying, I've just come to terms that I'm going to die. We all are, so there isn't much point in thinking and worrying about it. You basically never know when you are going to die, but you will eventually, so just live in the moment while you can.

:natl: :ornn:

This is literally the exact concept behind the Seraphine Ultimate skin except they're charging absurd amounts for each skin.

I wouldn't worry too much about the event exclusivity. Riot has done this MULTIPLE times, they use FOMO tactics to get people to buy and then later they re-release the skin giving original owners some border or some shit, they'll say it's not fair to new players that can no longer get the skin (and fuck you old players for your long time support of the game, we don't care about you we just want more money.) They've done this essentially every time they've run "limited time only skins."

:natl: :ornn:

Riot have lost it with this one, it's $500 for purely digital goods.

We actually can compare this to another game I like to play called Path of Exile, they do a yearly supporter pack with 4 tiers, and the top tier will run you $480 (you don't have to buy it all at once throughout the year you can upgrade tiers if you want.)

But let's say you purchase the final tier, you get all the lower tiers and their rewards obviously which are a bunch of unique and usually pretty cool MTX, you get some physical merch this year its a hoodie and a t-shirt, you get Points (PoE's equivalent to RP) equal to the money you spend instead of costing you their digital currency, and you also typically get to add something to the game permanently that other players can find and use (this year you could design a challenging or not challenging map that rewards a specific unique item of your choice if you cleared it.)

Obviously price points are basically the same but one of them gives you way more value in my opinion. Now I wouldn't buy either because it's way too expensive to spend on one game but it gives you an idea of how messed up Riot's price point is here in my opinion.

:natl: :ornn:

It's also not really clear, it talks about the 100 levels of the pass under the cheaper version but doesn't highlight that as a perk of that tier. Only under the most expensive tier does it list it as a perk, so do you only get a regular 50 track rewards with the regular one or not?

Either way holy shit Riot wtf are you on $500? If they gave you physical merch I could MAYBE somewhat understand it but its all digital goods...

Edit: Okay yeah I agree with what other people are saying the $500 unlocks all the pass levels immediately. Its still an absurd price point.

Mate it's not that deep, he's just saying the Diablo 4 bosses lack character and most of them do. Also I mean he pretty obviously doesn't have them hung up so they display on stream. Why are you so angry that someone has dared to voice their opinion? Your throwing out personal insults about someone you have no idea about and also your insult flops pretty hard if you knew anything about Mathil.

But there is an obvious middle ground and Diablo 4 isn't it.

No she shows us she's like every other Republican, a hypocrite. They literally don't care as long as they can hold power they would literally elect Hitler.

Yeah this is the thing that frustrates me. I had no issues upgrading my pc from windows 7 all the way to windows 10. I've changed some parts here and there over the years but my PC has never been like a powerhouse. It's a bit old but it runs just fine, does everything I need.

I have no way to upgrade to Windows 11 without tossing my entire PC because Microsoft is forcing some arbitrary requirements. It's completely insane, you're just an OS Microsoft, we don't need fancy gimmicks we just need you as an interface that can get us to where we can run the shit we actual want to run.

You don't understand what life experience is, makes me feel like you're also pretty young yourself and don't realize this. It's not the same as them not being able to think for themselves, it's more like they just literally have not experience enough of the world to be able to handle situations as well as someone who is older and more mature. This means that they are most likely just easier to take advantage of.

That doesn't make them dumb, it just makes them young and inexperienced (the exact same would be true if they were a man by the way,) you don't magically gain a bunch of social experience when you turn 18. That just takes time. And it's quite strange for an older person to constantly want to date someone in that age range, it's not like he's going to have a lot in common, they grew up in completely different times. It leads you to believe the reasons he wants to date someone that young aren't because he "really connected with them."

Okay this is dumb because women streamers get banned all the time, almost no bans on Twitch are perma though for anyone regardless of gender (unless you really fuck up.) The majority of streamers are men though so yeah men are obviously going to catch more bans than women will, but acting like women streamers don't catch bans all the time is delusional.

Hell even many Vtuber streamers have caught bans from time to time.

Walkable neighborhoods doesn't just mean "oh you can walk around and there might be a park and some trees." It means shops and shit are in walking distance. You know, things it would be convenient to be able to walk too and not have to use a vehicle for even the most mundane of errands.

Well I think it's meant to be pro skewed nerfs without hitting him too hard for the average player. Pro players are better at using the W to soak damage at the right moments, so hitting that makes sense.

After all it's not like K'Sante is dominating the game right now, if anything he's on the weaker side, he's just a strong pick in competitive.

So instead of going the simpler route and nerfing the outlier you want them to buff everything else (which may not actually need buffs at all) which is going to almost certainly create even more issues which will probably require even more tuning/nerfs down the line? The problem isn't the other stuff being too weak but IE being potentially too strong.

That doesn't change the golems behavior though, the problem isn't that the golem isn't attacking fast enough or not doing enough damage. The problem is the Golem fucks off to Narnia sometimes and doesn't actually hit anything most of the time unless you activate its ability.

I mean most souls games don't particularly have great stories. They have a lot of lore and history which are very interesting but the actual stories in the games themselves (the part where your player character is playing) are usually pretty mid as far as stories go.

The story has never really been the strength of these games, but the gameplay and lore are what carry them.

You don't really have to worry about them teaching the machine how to act because it doesn't have sapience or actual intelligence in the way that you and I do. It's just a very powerful tool that can be used to do awful stuff, but it's not capable of starting the machine uprising or anything. We are a very very long way away from creating anything that is actually intelligent or capable of doing things with its own motives in mind.