No they couldn't. The weather on Everest is crazy and so is the amount of change in the land even on a daily basis. You cannot just bring in a helicopter crew, there is too much risk to flying adjacent to the mountain (which is extremely windy and has weather that can change extremely quickly). They cannot build something permanent because the mountain is always shifting from ice melt, earthquakes (Google Napalm/Everest's earthquake history), changing snow, and landslides.

Even if people could be hired, we can't build this until we have robots and drones that are extremely weatherproof and work well under extreme temperatures and are capable of building things for us autonomously.

Extreme amount of earthquakes, landslides, avalanches, crevasses, iceberg fields, deadly weather, deadly temperatures, deadly low oxygen levels, the cost of money and loss of life to build it, the amount of repairs you'd need to do daily, that it wouldn't be profitable venture by any company to build one.

There are bodies on many mountains, not just Everest. If anything many who die there likely are ok with their bodies being in the mountain.

I know they say there are never stupid questions but I think this may be one.

Idk why but I didn't struggle with water temple at all

I got stuck on this I swear at least 12 loops of dialogue. It drove me crazy.

Ya the very beginning when you leave the village, there is this tiny tunnel you need to crawl through and it's practically invisible due to the graphics and shading, especially when rendered on an old sub-720p television or when upscaled and stretched on a 1080p+ screen.

As a child, I quite literally got stuck because I could not for the life of me find that hole.

Another thing is this game and many Japanese games are literally designed for companion guides, and without those guides there are things that the game never gives in-game hints to- meaning you can not know certain mechanics or interactions are possible. Good game developers always hint at possible mechanics in some form. An example of this, is if you stand behind the vendors they give you different dialogue than standing in front of their kiosk. There's quests in Ocarina of Time that you will not get the proper dialogue to finish the quest unless you stand in a specific spot. It's unnecessary and poor design. There's many other examples throughout the game.

The Avengers series

Also didn't really like Dune or Dune 2 but wouldn't say I hated them


Saving Silverman

Monty Python

Charlie and the Chocolate factory (gave me nightmares as a kid)

Cool trick. Sorry for the transphobes, you look great.

And I don't see you as more intelligent than an animal.

Also, invalidating identities or genders is a form of hate. So yes, you do hate transgender people if you reject their identity as valid.

The first picture baffles me.

Keep practicing though.

Please do yourself a favor and start to use critical thinking and reverse engineering to construct these types of things. There's dozens of ways to do it, surely you can figure it out without much problem.

Such a waste of this thread that it constantly gets filled with "how do I do this (entry level thing)?" and "what effect is this?"

You don't need a tutorial or guide for everything. Work it out on your own, you will learn a whole lot more that way. You're cheating yourself by relying on guidance for EVERYTHING.

The way I teach people how to do this is to try to use muscles in their face to pull their eyebrows apart. Like, increase the distance between them. Your eyebrows won't actually move apart, but your neck and face will tense the muscles that move your ears. You have to sort of imagine you're trying to slide your temples apart.

People are afraid of things that are new or different or that they don't understand. They're also too lazy to think for themselves or incapable of empathy. Combine these things and you get bigotry.

I think her eyeballs retinas (where color is) are too large, and her right-cheek bone is too defined for the angle and light.

Tunic's main storyline is longer and harder (mostly due to souls-like inspired combat), and then the extra layers of endgame are harder. The game has been out for years and there are still puzzles unsolved and the developer has said an entire zone that has not been discovered. Plus there was a website that people discovered tied to some puzzles that is still unresolved as well. Not that animal wells endgame isn't tough, but the egg-song puzzle is nowhere near as difficult as it was for people to transcribe the secret language in Tunic, the tower of shape shifting alien letters and beyond. I was able to figure out everything before and including the egg-puzzle in Animal Well singlehandedly with no googling or guidance. Tunic took some absolute geniuses to translate the languages.

Is that an alien?

Fuck Cars 🚗 🚫

Even when they're not going 140, they can appear beside you within seconds out of nowhere and you literally cannot hear them until they're about a car distance away from you because of the way the speed of sound works while you're moving forward.

Good game was doodoo fetishism for edgelords. Worlds most bland protagonist.

Just to name a couple longer and harder metroidvania:

Hollow Knight



Look into the artist who made Hudson Mohawke's most recent album cover

Theres a flower in the water a room before this where the mice come from. Start on the flower and throw frisby from there.