As a Woke Lefty Queer Woman; so it goes lol 😔 simply one of the perils of liking older styles of mainstream superhero books

I'm a queer 20 something. Specifically, I am trans, and I chose my name. I can imagine Gaylord making at least a minor comeback. There are Eccentric Queers in Portland and San Francisco and around the world who would think that it's funny enough to Commit to the Bit of being a proud gay person, named Gaylord.

I feel comfortable making the assumption these people because 1. My name is not Gaylord, but I do have that exact sense of humor 2. Law of large numbers, baybee!

I've had my eye on Starman for ages, I want that compendium!! I just read the Golden Age for the first time, it was a jaw-dropping experience. Such a rich, emotional story, so many characters, and only four issues?! I haven't read any other Robinson books, but I'm excited to see what he does with the Knights and all the other JSAers and historical Starmen and the themes of legacy and fatherhood and all. That's the stuff people tell me makes Starman good, and there's seeds of it in the Golden Age

Anyway, I've been hearing "read Starman" online for a decade now, gotta get my ass in gear before the Black Label series comes out lol

I had strict parents growing up. I wasn't allowed to watch any superhero stuff that hadn't been screened and approved first, because it was too violent and rated PG-13. They made very few exceptions to their "no PG-13 till you're 13" rule. I saw the Incredible Hulk on TV with them when I was 11 or 12. They hadn't vetted it, but they were right there in the room and they knew I really wanted to see it, so we hung out together and watched it. I have a much better relationship with my parents now, but I didn't back then, so it's a sweet memory of family time from a period in my life where I don't have many of those memories.

I haven't seen the movie since then, because I thought it was Just Okay. C+, B- maybe. I don't hate it, but I don't really think about it. I don't know if I'll ever seek it out, but I'd be down to watch it with some people I care about again

He's handsome enough, but a bit too old imo. I strongly agree with you about having a Filipino actor play Nightwing tho, cause of the Escrima thing.

As a tangent, I have a casual interest in martial arts films, but I don't think I've ever seen Escrima in a movie. I only know what it is cause Dick uses the sticks. As a martial arts fan, I really, really wanna see a live action Nightwing that fights with heavily Escrima-influended choreography, that sounds very fun and cool

Nice, nice. Daredevil ranks kinda low for me in terms of personal Character Interest, but it has a reputation as a comic that consistently gets assigned to talented creative teams who produce great runs, so I'm definitely interested to read more of his stories. Waid/Samnee especially, I love them both

I have read Daredevil Born Again. It's fantastic! But it's literally the only Daredevil comic I've read. I think I'd wanna read the rest of Miller's stuff first, at least. Need some Bullseye context before I read Guardian Devil, I know Karen Page gets Elektra'd in GD, but I've never read a Bullseye or Elektra comic. Plus Nocenti's run interests me, although I believe it's The Bad/Controversial Run, at least within the fandom

The current digital Miracleman recolor looks fine, at least. I think the version in this image looks best, but the digital isn't too dissimilar, although it is very obviously a digital recolor if you put them side by side. I assume they had good reason for the remaster; a lot of Silver Age books look especially awful when you print them on crisp, glossy pages without doing any sort of a pass on the art, and the problem persists with flat color newprint comics thru the 90s, when they get reprinted on glossy paper. I just personally am afflicted with that Collector's Syndrome where the fact multiple published versions of the art exist mean that I have a desire to obtain and compare them, even if I expect the actual impact on the atmosphere of the comic to be fairly small. For example, I love the painted recolor of Year One they did for the trade, but I've always wanted to read the original newsprint version. Therefore I was over the moon, clicking my heels with excitement to give DC $5 a month when they put out facsimile editions of Batman 404-7, despite already owning the TPB

On one hand, this show constantly introduces minor characters from the comics and rarely develops them, so he probably wouldn't get much screen time. On the other hand I think he's a cool character, but he hasn't been in much. I don't hate Snyder but I don't love him, and I'm not sure what Duke stories there are beyond Snyder's work and the Wayne Family Adventures, so I think it'd be really cool to see him in YJ, if only for an episode.

Idk who I'd cast lol

Personally I like saying "comics" more than "graphic novels," and I don't think the nuance between the two terms is usually important, unless the context makes it important (e.g. floppies in the comic book sub, collections in the GN sub)

I'm the kind of pedantic nerd where I think it can be fun to talk about what "counts" for certain genre labels, but I'm not so pedantic that I stress too hard about it, beyond what you've seen (i.e. hope this is the right sub to recommend floppies)

🤓☝️ Now let's discuss the difference between DC's Prestige Format and Marvel's Bookshelf Format miniseries

Me too! The graphic design is phenomenal and the talent I've seen attached so far is impressive! Frankly it's all marketing; there's no reason the EC licensing should make this different than, say, the exact same content being presented with a different logo as an EC tribute vs a legacy revival brand. On the other hand, I'm a geek and a brand whore, and a huge mark for an EC Tribute in any form. As a Comics Nerd I've long had fantasies about this exact project, more or less; an actual revival of the actual EC brand and titles, I've wanted this to happen for over a decade, easy. I'm so, so excited! It's the same inner childhood joy that made the Star Wars sequels so special as theater experiences even tho I don't love those movies; I dreamed someone would make this when I was a tot, now it's real, I'm here, and I'm having fun

Idk, I'm newish to this sub lol. There's a comic book subreddit, there's a graphic novel subreddit, I'm subscribed to both but I don't really know if there's a difference? I know it's a little silly, but I thought maybe OP's desire/the subreddit etiquette was to stick with collected editions vs floppy tabloids

Re: point B, I absolutely agree! That's why I had four upcoming anthology magazines to talk about, just off the top of my head

Since this is the graphic novels sub, I'm not sure if monthly ongoings quite fit with what you want? If so, feel free to ignore this comment.

There are a number of new releases coming soon that have caught my eye! Oni Press is reviving the EC comics brand with a pretty stacked list of talent, there's launching in July with a horror anthology called Epitaphs From The Abyss, and in August there's a science fiction anthology called Cruel Universe. Also in July, BOOM! Studios has an "dark genre fiction" anthology coming called Hello Darkness; as I understand from the solicitations it's primarily horror, but it might also include sick, twisted, and extreme fantasy, sci fi, and crime stories. You may already be aware, since you mentioned Creepshow, but there's a new Image miniseries starting in September. The solicits promise 2 new stories per issue, idk how many issues total it will be

Yeah, I figured. I've just been seeing So Many posts about the allegations, I tend to pop in to comment now and again to refine my thoughts for my own sake, writing helps me think. Anyway, have a good day!

This might be a silly question, but is Crossover an actual Crossover? Literally all I know about it is that it's a Very Meta Image Comic, but I don't know if that means like, Image Comics easter eggs, or do I actually need to read like, God Country or something in order to Get It?

What country are these from? I assume Thailand, because the first looks like Muy Thai, and the second seems to have all the same text and lettering as the first. I just wanna ask, I like knowing details lol

Really fucking cool posters, anyway

Yeah! I have said this before in reference to this case but I don't think casual sex with a big age gap is inherently bad, or will always have an Abusive Power Imbalance. For devils advocate sake: Neil Gaiman is a decent looking man with a nice voice and a lot of similar interests to me. I understand why someone my age or younger would go for a one night stand, or vice versa.

To clarify, because I think that's also important, I do believe these women. Or at least, I have read the article, I think it seems very plausible, I'm listening and waiting to see if more evidence comes forward etc. If I am to extend Gaiman some benefit and say I believe his version of events entirely, it is still very, very gross to have casual sex with your employee. I do believe that is abusive, regardless of age or "consent." I still don't know the details, but in and of itself the fact the man himself openly admitted to having a "consensual relationship" with someone who works for him is really bad. It's made worse, imo, by the fact said employee worked directly in his home, and worse still that she was the nanny to his kids. At that point there's so many "sexual exploitation" red flags in this particular case that a decade plus age gap (don't recall off my head) isn't even the biggest red flag.

For slightly further clarity, I've focused this comment on what Neil Admitted To. The allegations made by the women are more graphic and disturbing. I don't want to ponder them in detail because I already believe Gaiman is a creep, I don't want or need to spend time on "are the really nasty bits true?," I'm not a lawyer or judge or juror or whatever so it's not like I can do anything with that information aside from lose sleep

I have zero investment in this ship, I've never read a Starfire comic, but I support the idea because I would like to read more books along those lines. Obviously fanfic will always exist, but Fans are extremely familiar with the multiverse idea these days, you may as well publish an official DickBabs AU book and a DickKori AU book and a polyamory AU book and an "everybody's single" AU book etc. Not saying you need All Things All The Time, I don't think the market could support it, but Archie did a split timeline future comic where he grows up to marry both Betty and Veronica, in desperate timelines. Marvel has Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows and the new USM. DC had the Lois and Clark Rebirth retcon, which is sorta similar. It feels like such an obvious way to have it both ways, I'm genuinely surprised it's not more common to see, at least in miniseries form if nothing else

Quesada draws suuuuuuch a cool Daredevil! I've never read Guardian Devil but it sounds like it would be a bad read, what a waste of an artist 😔

I mean, I don't like Millar very much, but I really, really wanna read this story to see Curt Swan draw a Swamp Thing story lol

A. G. and especially SOPHIE feel like they're neck and neck for the last one standing, as others have said, so I wanna knock em out first to get actual interesting conversation later. If they win then the whole series is just gonna be them getting whittled down to being the final two. Bad seeding imo!!

Anyway my Other answer is Rita Ora, I think it's the funniest first elimination. Igloo bad and all, but 1. Fancy is a fun song 2. She's so obvious as a first-to-eliminate choice! Similar to voting to eliminate SOPHIE/AG, I wish to keep her in the running, for the Plot.

You're welcome! I could go on a bit about coloring if you're curious lol; this image is, I believe, the third version, if you include the original being strictly black and white. The fourth is the current one. Sometimes recolors are pretty bad, but these are decent! It is a little annoying if you're a mega-nerd like me; I'd like to compare all four versions side by side, page by page, but since there's four different versions that's a lot of time/work to invest lol, even if I were to hypothetically pirate the other 3 scans to save money

Honestly I don't care about continuity in superhero stories, in comics or movies. It can lead to fun results, or unnecessary, messy contractions. The Shared Universe is something I accept because it's been a part of superhero fiction longer than I've been alive; it is not a selling point to me in and of itself. As long as the story in front of me is good, I don't care if it makes complete logical sense as the sequel/prequel to another story from two years ago by a different creative team, or if it is simply a self contained stand alone story that exists in a generic "DC universe with not solid connection to the timeline." This is to say, my interest in media tie-in comics depends entirely on the creative team.

I ramble a lot in this comment, I hope I made sense lol!

Marvelman was a sci-fi SHAZAM! knock-off. It was renamed Miracleman for Legal Reasons, but now that Marvel owns the publishing rights, they publish some of the OG stuff under the Marvelman name. Unless you just want to read some silly 50s comics, you should avoid Marvelman comics, as they're irrelevant for Moore/Gaiman's work. They're background ambience that are only canon in a story-within-a-story sorta way

Alan Moore's stuff is most easily/cheaply readable in the Original Epic paperback omnibus. Moore requested his name be removed so it isn't on any of the Marvel Miracleman stuff, don't worry about not seeing it on the cover. His run has also been published as three separate collections, but idk if they're in print, so don't worry about finding those either.

Gaiman followed Moore up with two volumes of his own; the Golden Age and the Silver Age. There is a third, the Dark Age, which will conclude his run if it ever actually happens

I think that's all you need to know!

Same! I bought the Moore Original Epic paperback on Free Comic Book Day, and quickly went back for Gaiman's Golden and Silver Ages once I finished it. Really phenomenal series!